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Re: American Porn Fans?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:06 pm
by Officer Dibble
"Porn is a billion dollar industry"

Yes, it is. The problem is that nowadays it is divvied up into a million pieces. There aren?t that many parties who have a big enough slice to afford themselves an agreeable lifestyle and have money to put back in there to fund quality productions and pay quality people. It would have to be a labour of love, because if someone spent 15K on a production the state of the market is now such that they wouldn?t sell any more copies than the Muppets who spent ?300 and shot the movie in their back bedroom, on their wobbly ?chav-cam?. Back in the 80?s there were huge financial and technical barriers that prevented Muppets entering the market. Hence most productions in the 70?s and 80?s had attractive people and a professional air to them. Sadly, those days have now gone, and unless you could somehow confiscate everyone?s cheapo chav-cam, phone-cam, and their means of distribution, they are not coming back.

Officer Dibble

Re: American Porn Fans?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:30 pm
by Officer Dibble
?sticking needles in themselves, shaving their legs and rubbing baby oil and plenty of skanks in track suits, trainers and huge ear jewellery than there was then so maybe it is reflecting popular culture?

Yes, that is very much the case. We cannot talk about porn in isolation. The oafs and scrawny skanks that we see in much contemporary porn are the same people we see in the High St. Some people have said ?we should do this? and ?we should do that? to improve porn. But I?m afraid it won?t make the slightest bit of difference. These are the times we live in. The producers and stars we fondly remember from twenty years ago were different people, in a different time, with different attitudes - a whole different zeitgeist in fact. We (the punters) were different to. That whole combination can never be recreated ? though I?d take my cap off to anyone who gave it a try.

Officer Dibble

Re: American Porn Fans?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:42 pm
by Officer Dibble
"So if your saying the DVD market is dead and it is or will only be a web based business and no money then the industry is dead then."

Not dead (as you say, porn is still a billion dollar business overall). No, it's not dead - just different. Though not in a good way.

Officer Dibble