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Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:29 pm
by Snake Diamond
Some of the things he comes up with are Knob-End like, but some things he does have right.

With school meals, he is dead right to get them having better quality meals (some schools have "Burger-Bar" style cafeteria's), but banning chips & school tuck-shops, come off it, thats a bit ott.

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:42 pm
by Snake Diamond
Well, what do you expect from schools, with the fucking useless government we have, spending their time pissing about with the funding, and facilities, of said schools ?

With certain schools (quite alot of the UK Schools), have removed the provision of "on-site" kitchens, & outsourced the cooking of school meals to other larger schools, or private business's, which is the case with my daughters school. Then there is the fact of NO Adequate changing/Gym/PE facilities any more, so your children, even as old as 11 yrs of age in some schools, have to get changed infront of other kids of the opposite sex, which again is the case with my daughters school.

Little fucking bastard politicians. !swear!

By law, a child of 7 yrs of age, MUST NOT sleep in the same room as an Adult (especially of the opposite sex) on a permanent basis, or get changed in schools/public facilities, infront of another child of the opposite sex, even if they are of the same family (siblings).

Bubo wrote:

> Especially when the government aren't willing to put the money
> into hiring proper chefs to cook up something that's both
> healthy and nice to eat. Oliver might have the right idea, but
> all the kids are getting now is soggy cabbage and oily fish!
> Are the cooks clueless, or what?! And are the kids going to eat
> it? Would I eat that shit? Not a chance in hell!!!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:44 pm
by Snake Diamond
Billy Bunter? Don't know that name, who was he?

planeterotica wrote:

> He is a Twat, Bring back Billy Bunter he could show these kids
> of today a thing or two about eating, come on Bunter!love!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:58 am
by planeterotica
Snake Diamond wrote:

> Billy Bunter? Don't know that name, who was he?
> planeterotica wrote:
> > He is a Twat, Bring back Billy Bunter he could show these
> kids
> > of today a thing or two about eating, come on Bunter!love!
> >
> [planeterotica wrote.

If you cant rememember Billy Bunter Snake Diamond then you are to young to be posting on this forum!love! who ate all the pies!wink!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:58 pm
Definitely a TWAT.

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:05 pm
by Snake Diamond
Well, I am 34, not too young, LOL.

I found out who Billy Bunter was, well, I was never much for tv when I was a kid, & I never bothered with comics/school themed story books.

planeterotica wrote:

> If you cant rememember Billy Bunter Snake Diamond then you are
> to young to be posting on this forum!love! who ate all the
> pies!wink!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:43 pm
by Jock Strap
Absolute TWAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:35 pm
by dom number one
I think he's ok, atleast he gives a shit about the kidds which are infact our future.
it true that UK food has to be on the bottom of the list comparing with other countries. we eat shit and most of us dont even realise it.
taking the tuck shops away is a bit extreme, but that will just meen that the kidds have to buy or steel it from the paper shops instead.

One thing that always pisses me off is when i hear sad morbid cretins around the age of 50 complaining and blaming the state of the world today on the youth! i have to say this. how many youths are in government making all the descisions? who was it who stoped corporal punnishment and took away the right for parents, teachers and police officers to teach our kidds discipline in the first place?
who's fault is it that when a kidd comes home from shcool and turns on his telly the first thing he will proberbly see are sceens of violence on the news.

i could go on but i hope this is enough to make my point, its the your generation who fucked up the world and made it into the place it is today, stop blaming it on the kidds!!!!!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:20 pm
by Snake Diamond
I agree with you on certain points you've stated.

Granted that quite alot of young kids can be annoying obnoxious cunts, but who do they generally learn these habits from?
1: Their family.
2: Their freinds (where do the freinds learn it, their own parents, of course).

Yes, it is the government who cancelled corporal & capital punishment (just incase 1 innocent is wrongly charged/imprisoned/executed). The modern punishment system don't work, bring back the old style.

I have heard discussions in the past on Capital Punishment (on TV & Radio, Newspapers, and on the Internet), towards the Pro's & the Con's of said Capital Punishment. Capital Punishment was NEVER meant as a form of deterrant against commiting crimes, it was meant as an active Punishment for commiting crimes.

dom number one wrote:

> I think he's ok, atleast he gives a shit about the kidds which
> are infact our future.
> it true that UK food has to be on the bottom of the list
> comparing with other countries. we eat shit and most of us dont
> even realise it.
> taking the tuck shops away is a bit extreme, but that will just
> meen that the kidds have to buy or steel it from the paper
> shops instead.
> One thing that always pisses me off is when i hear sad morbid
> cretins around the age of 50 complaining and blaming the state
> of the world today on the youth! i have to say this. how many
> youths are in government making all the descisions? who was it
> who stoped corporal punnishment and took away the right for
> parents, teachers and police officers to teach our kidds
> discipline in the first place?
> who's fault is it that when a kidd comes home from shcool and
> turns on his telly the first thing he will proberbly see are
> sceens of violence on the news.
> i could go on but i hope this is enough to make my point, its
> the your generation who fucked up the world and made it into
> the place it is today, stop blaming it on the kidds!!!!!

Re: Jamie Oliver Guru or Twat?

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:02 pm
by dom number one
Im a new father myself snake and from what i see you are too,
Its been difficult to watch my language infront of my boy, i speak gutter english and my wife has picked it up pretty fast since she's been with me. but its our responsibility to educate, discipline and bring up our kids. manners dont cost anything. i remeber 1 time when i was a kid comin home from school with some mates, we were messin about rolling an old car tyre down the street and ended up dumping it in some old girls garden. she came out screeming at us, my mates gave her loads of verbal but i went over, appologised, picked up the tyre and took it off. ok i dumped it in some other old girls garden, but thats not the point... now today in the same scenario the old girl would be to scared to come out of her house, and if she did she would be in danger of being attacked. My father wasnt a nasty bloke but my brothers and myself new that he's the boss and if we fucked about we'd get a clip arround our ears. thats the way it should be. but now attitudes are different, teachers are scared of kids, parents dont know how to controll them, police know their hands are tied. kids know that they can get away with murder and theirs fuck all anyone can do about it. but i still dont think its the kids fault. we are the adults, we make the rules, we set the examples of whats right and wrong. in my parents day it was different, in my grand parents days it was even more different. now the fact is, my grandad set the examples for whats right and wrong to my dad, my dad set the examples for whats right and wrong to me, and im trying to set the same examples to my kid. so where did it all go wrong?
Fact is, the government actualy want society to be in a shit state, they want caos, they want bad parents and frustrated kids, why? because it makes us think we need them to controll the country, it makes us affraid and gives them
a job to protect us. when in actual fact they are the very ones screwing most of peoples lives to begin with.