Terrorism in the USA

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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

I will also concede Chritians are hardly blameless on the violence front, but let's be honest which religion tells you to turn the other cheek...and whoch religion preaches an eye for an eye? Christians do believe all not convereted to Christ are damned fair enough, but Islam actually preaches conversion by force and war and death for the unbeliever. Can no one really not see how that's connected to the fact nearly every war on every continent has mulims on one side and non muslims on the other??...As I say I'm more than happy to accept it's a peaceful religion, as I keep being told, but only when they actually stop killing people and beheading infidels etc. As I say words are pretty, but at the end of the day it's actions your judged on.
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by philylad13 »

Hi, as this topic started discussing Pat Robertson calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. As the US & UK are stepping up their propaganda on the issue, e.g. the BBC 10 o'clock news practically comparing Chavez with Mugabe mainly because they both have, 'land-reform programs'. As Venezuela is one of the next countries on the Bush administrations shopping list, where are the Muslims here? Apart from Robertson ludicrous assumption that Venezuela wil turn into: "a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism".

"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war." Plus in regards to the previous Robertson statement, he is calling for Terrorism as a response, as Terrorism is, 'the threat or use of violence to attain goals, which are religious, political or ideological in nature', so telling Saddam to get rid of his nonexistant WMDs or Iraq gets bombed is Terrorism.

Finally there is war going on for the past two and a half years in Iraq, and yes Muslims are on one side, but they sure-as-hell didn't start it, they are not terrorists nor insurgents, everyone that dies or is killed in Iraq & Afghanistan, are not heroes, nor terrorists, nor insurgents, but victims, victims of the US & UK foreign policy, it has got nothing to do with freedom, democracy or WMDs. In regards to Venezuela, before Chavez got into power it was a dictatorship and the first thing he did was to establish elections and a constitution, if democracy & freedom were the highest on the US agenda they would be applauding Chavez.

If anybody is interested in watching a documentary about Hugo Chavez and Venezuela, I have a documentary called, 'Venezuela: The Revolution will not be televised', which can be found a Chavezthefilm.com. It is well worth a watch to get a more balanced perspective on the Venezuela issue.

Any reply would be appreciated.

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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Richas »

everyone that dies or is killed in Iraq & Afghanistan, are not heroes, nor terrorists, nor insurgents, but victims, victims of the US & UK foreign policy.

So when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi hacks off the heads of people such as Nick Berg and Ken Bigly...smiling for the video camera as he does so, hes not an insurgent, terrorist or even a psychopathic bastard...no because hes a muslim, he's a 'victim' of U.S and U.K Foreign policy...ah diddums perhaps I'll send him a note of condolensce. Sorry but what absolute bollocks.
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by philylad13 »

Immoral behaviour breeds immoral behaviour, Al-Zarqawi was not going around hacking people's heads off before the US & UK invasion, Iraq and its people have been left absolutely devastated due entirely to this war for little benefit, and had the US & UK not invaded, Nick Berg & Ken Bigley would still be alive, and Fox News wouldn't be able to act as though the only problem in Iraq and the only reason the US are still there is to find Al-Zarqawi.

P.S. Back to the topic, your opinion on Venezuela please.

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evil mistress

Post by blaise »

where i can find a dvd to buy.

-evil mistress
-slave of the desire

i wanna buy some movie but i don't know how he works.
Sam Slater
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]As we have seen,many believers interpret those quotes in a myriad of different ways[/quote]

Tell me, how many ways can you interpret 'behead the bastards'?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Sam Slater »

But peace in the Holy Land only ever occurs when Jews & Christians submit to Muslim authority, like in the years before 1099AD.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by Sam Slater »

Pat Robertson is a cunt, in my opinion.

No religion is compatible with the society of today. They Quran, 1st Testament & Hadith all tolerate genocide, slavery, torture, racism, sexism & homophobia.

Even more worrying is that these books can be purchased & read by children of any age.

Fantastic isn't it?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Terrorism in the USA

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Chavez offered some heating oil or something like that to the poor citizens of New York City and the polititions wouldn't take it. A good jesture I thought seeing he can't be all bad.