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Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:55 am
by Steve R
Keith Rasputin wrote:

> I really don't believe it.

You'd have to take that up with the firefighters then.

>So who set off these explosions then?

It wasn't me, I assure you.

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:58 am
by diplodocus
Don't even bother trying to argue with a conspiracy nut, it's a waste of time and effort. Every crackpot idea on 9/11 has failed to stand up to any scrutany, such as the simple
'all the people who saw the plane hit the Pentagon were wrong/liers/bribed by the CIA etc etc'

This London case will obviously attract more of the same, let it ride over you, let them believe what the hell they like, most people will just laugh at them and walk on anyway.

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:01 am
by Steve R
diplodocus wrote:

>..... Don't even bother trying to argue with a conspiracy nut........

As I have pointed out above, the real 'conspiracy theories' are often the official government explanations.

WMD for example.

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:13 am
by Steve R
Keith Rasputin wrote:

> So flying two passenger planes into two office buildings and
> not having them fall down is just not good enough as terrorist
> outrages go....

All that is in question is the identity of the terrorists.

All of the available evidence points to sources within the US.

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:16 am
by Steve R
Actually, no.

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:23 am
by Steve R
Keith Rasputin wrote:

> Lapses in security...London bombings last week....sudden ID
> evidence etc etc, that kind of thing..?

Yes; it all sounds very suspect, doesn't it?.

(Any chance of a break for lunch and a brief afternoon nap before the leaders go out in the golf?)

Re: London Bombings - More Strangeness

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 10:51 am
by Richas
Utter bollocks you havne no understanding of History.

Britian entered world war i because Germany was trying to create a European empire. Something they'd even said openly. Bismark 'my map of Africa lies in Europe'. Germany was intent on building a n empire from iraq ro the shores of England, and building a baghdad to berlin railway. Plus they were bound to defeat France, and posses all their colonies from Africa to china. All this would have cut Britian off from our own colonial possesions in Africa, and more importantly India, and put them at massive threat. Since they provided about 80-90% of our economic wealth we didn't think that was a wise idea. Also since Germany had twice the population of U.K, three times the economic resources at home, and a kaiser who openly was jealous of his cousins empire in Britian, and also had a fairly good claim on the British throne himself as the eldest grandson of Queen was thought letting them build an empire which dwarfed us and led us wide open to attack was a a very very silly idea.