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Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:01 pm
by mart
That'll be the day Dribbler. Educated in the University of Life? What a lame excuse for not having done well at school.
You are not worth spending time on, as someone said to Frazier "I might not be a farmer but I recognise bullshit".


Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:12 am
by diplodocus
hey good scenario, lets go to the other side then

an MI6 officer spends hours looking over a 'confession' from a 'suspect' gained from 'information' gathered from Syria, and during that time he misses the information from 'another' which turns out to be correct, and a terrorist attack happens, oops, sorry I was sifting over the shite that came out of the nobody's mouth

yeah torture works well, doesn't it
grow a brain dibble

Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:19 am
by mart
"with a totally clear conscience"

You wouldn't know what that was if it jumped up and bit your arse.


Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:27 am
by diplodocus
forced to eat my words? interesting

The fact that any information gained from torture is by any stretch of the imagination, rubbish, should deter any person with a brain, let alone a conscience, think twice....if's that's possible for some poeple

Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:57 am
by Officer Dibble
"Hey good scenario, lets go to the other side then

an MI6 officer spends hours looking over a 'confession' from a 'suspect' gained from 'information' gathered from Syria, and during that time he misses the information from 'another' which turns out to be correct, and a terrorist attack happens, oops, sorry I was sifting over the shite that came out of the nobody's mouth"

Now, that?s a bit of a lame scenario, isn?t it? It?s not helping your case either, as it?s obvious you?re using it to evade dealing with the quite plausible scenario I originally put to you. But I?ll humor you.

So, don?t you think her majesty might have more than one lone security officer at her disposal - You know, a few extra chaps on hand, for when your lone MI6 officer is otherwise engaged chasing ?shite? info? Perhaps you are a devotee of Ian Fleming? Perhaps you are labouring under the impression that the whole British Secret Service consists of one seriously suave, womanising, ex-public schoolboy with a license to kill? And maybe you believe he single-handedly has to deal with all MI6 business, from ?interrogating? suspects, analysing data, to foiling evil super villains with strange foreign accents (Ah, meesta Bond, vee've been expecting you) large white moggies, private armies, and exotic WMD hidden in old volcanoes? The counter scenario you have put forward is dreary and banal - allow me to ice your cake and advance that lacklustre scenario into the realm of the surreal. So, what if?now, get this. What if said MI6 officer hired seven bizarre dwarfs from the ?Funky Fucks? escort agency to help him out with interrogations ? you know, take the evil terror suspect to the woods, strip his clobber off and tie him to an oak tree. Then get the seven little feisty folks to disrobe ? except for their pointed ?Snow White? dwarf caps of course ? and dance round said tree, their diddy dicks out, singing ?Hi ho, hi ho, it?s off?? occasionally stopping to fondle the terrorist?s, by now, erect member and hairy scrotum. Of course the next step would be to take a few saucy snaps of this tittilating tableau and threaten to e-mail them to the suspect?s Taliban pals if he didn?t spill the beans. But what if our jihadist was made of sterner stuff and challenged the naked infidel dwarfs to do their wanky worst? Then, there would be only one thing for it ? the nuclear option? Bumming! Yes, if there?s one thing that?s guaranteed to make a foreign terrorist squeal it?s the thought of being gang bummed by bizarre dwarfs. As Clive Dunn (a veteran of Khartoum) used to say ?They don?t like it up ?em?.

But, hold on, what if the terror suspect was a decoy? A sacrificial suicide agent who had resigned himself to being bummed by diddy dudes for the good of the cause? What if, while all this was going down, the real terrorists were setting off a tactical nuke, which they had cunningly secreted in a waste bin outside KFC in Birmingham High St? Our hero would be for the high jump then, wouldn?t he? ?M? would not be at all pleased ? particularly as the whole sordid interrogation scene had been witnessed by Mrs. Mary Tittle-Tattle, who chanced upon it while out walking her westie, and was now threatening to go to the press, unless her demands for a top of the range set of Capa De Monte china and a Franklin Mint first edition were met in full.

"grow a brain dibble"

Now that?s a silly thing to say isn?t it dipo? Seldom have I heard such a bizzare and vexacious slander. I make an entirely rational, well reasoned, counter proposition (one which you have pointedly failed to address) neutralizing, at a stroke, your original rash statement ? but giving ground to you on a good valid point (the unreliability of torture intelligence) all made in my customary eloquent and entertaining fashion - only for you to then you accuse ME of having no brain! I just can?t get my breath! Oh, of course, I know you?re just feeling a little foolish and were (rather ineptly) trying to bluster your way out in time-honored fashion. But when I originally pulled you up about it, if you had just said, ?Hey, good point Dibbs. Now, what would I do if I found myself in that situation? Hmm, it?s a poser alright?? face would have been saved. Hey, we all say stupid things on the spur of the moment (yes, even me). And I understand how you were momentarily intoxicated by the blood lust, the excitement, and the abandon, of the gloriously irrational, anti-American lynch mob sentiment, expressed by the first few posters in the thread. You dived in without thinking; you wanted to be a part of it, wanted to give yourself up to it, to loose yourself in the rush? Hey, I know, I can empathise with that scene (though I?ve never succumbed myself).

This kind of dishonorable nonsense does you no credit dipo, I had thought more highly of you. I trust you?ll give me no further reason to review my assessment you as a forum member who?s posts are worth a read.

Officer Dibble

Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:00 am
by Officer Dibble
"The fact that any information gained from torture is by any stretch of the imagination, rubbish, should deter any person with a brain, let alone a conscience, think twice....if's that's possible for some poeple"

?Any? such information rubbish? Oh, come on dipo, that?s another silly, ill-considered statement you?ve made. Yes, I grant (once again) that info gained by such means will be unreliable, but certainly not all rubbish. The supposition you have made here is that all the people captured and put to the rack will be totally innocent and know nothing of the matters in which the torturers are interested. Now, that?s just plain ridiculous, isn?t it? Even the most inept third world security service will have some idea of which particular individuals oppose it and are plotting against it?s interests, and consequently, who to round up. Any info gained from subsequent ?sessions? could then be correlated and cross referenced with other data that had been gathered to give said security services a very good idea (though not certainty) what was about to go down. Sorted.

Officer Dibble ? adroit as ever, solving the case and saving the day

Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:09 am
by Officer Dibble
"What a lame excuse for not having done well at school."

Granted, my academic qualifications are minimal. Though apparently of sufficient caliber to deal with most any upstart uni boy who gives me lip ? Jeez, talk about university grade inflation? Ha, ha, ha?chortle, chortle?

"You are not worth spending time on"

Then why are you reading my material?

"I might not be a farmer but I recognise bullshit".

?Bullshit?? Well, that?s your usual, stock, unimaginative, pooh-poohing, rebuttal - though I can?t help noticing that you never seem to produce any kind of evidence too support this spurious, nonsensical, allegation.

By the way mart, I don?t know whether you're aware, but despite your avowed caring sharing principles, you seem to have a mild personality disorder that causes you to be childish, truculent, mean-minded, and vindictive. Just an observation, like?Hey, not to worry, no one?s perfect, and it does afford me a delicious pleasure in poking fun at your discredited philosophy and ideals?imagining you jumping up and down, spluttering with impotent indignation and pique. Sweet? Chortle, chortle?

Officer Dibbs

Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:19 am
by Deuce Bigolo
The only time where torture works effectively is when its on someone else that the person with information cares about but then thats assuming that person isn't a fanatic who cares more for the cause than anything else

Fanatics have proved over & over their prepared to die for the cause

So why fuel the extremists with human right abuses via torture camps that aren't transparent and above all else wouldn't be tolerated in any so called civilised democracy

Israels infamous torture camp was ousted not that long ago and while this place obviously got useful information for the likes of Mossad to use I'll bet it also helped the extreme palestinian organisations get new recruits

Violence gets Violence...end of story

One day a dirty bomb will be used and theres nothing any intelligence agency can do to stop it happening IMHO.


Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:10 am
by mart
Well, at least I pick on individuals like you Dribbler.Not some large group of people a la Nazis.
And what makes you think you always overcome me with your biassed, subjective line of illogic. You really make a fool of yourself on here.


Re: Reasons Why I Hate The U.S Govt.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:21 pm
by Spook
You do have to wonder at Dibble's grasp on reality

His claim to have made

"an entirely rational, well reasoned, counter proposition"

Refers to this lunatic fantasy

"If it came to pass that a friend or relation?s life was in imminent danger and you could neutralise the threat by kicking the shit out of a loony, scumbag, religious extremist sociopath, would you take the necessary steps"

Not exactly reasonable or rational to suppose that anyone on the BGAFD board is going to be in a position where their loved ones are just about to be slaughtered, but the brave porn fan will be able to save them all by firstly finding an associate of the villains, then torturing them in such a way that the associate gives out entirely accurate information about the potential crime in enough time for the hero to rush to the rescue.

These are the delusions of a man indulging in pointless torture fantasies. Still, its good to know that in "the real world" the officer can only indulge his fantasies on message boards and is unable to become the heroic torturer-in-chief and saviour of the nation that he wants to be.