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Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:59 pm
by mart
Oh No! It's not Bimmercat's brother is it?


Re: OXFAM to fly water from UK, WHY?

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:32 pm
by Pervert
"England" is sending water because presumably "England" has the water available and handy. So it's nice and generous of "England" to do this while other countries (Wales, Scotland and Ireland) sit on their thumbs.

Does it matter who sends and where from so long as vitally needed supplies get through?

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:59 am
by Red Triangle
Well if you are a Creationist (as several million are - mostly in the US) then you will beleive that God created the World. However it seems he created it with faults that to this day cause Earthquakes and Volcanoes. So if you beleive you do have a legitimate cause to question God on why he would make the Earth so imperfect.

Global warming etc is another subject to natural disasters (or Acts of God) and would be man's problem that he has created.

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:49 pm
by Brickboy240
Nope...the person you love to hate!

I sold the was getting long in the tooth (1987 model) and the chance came to buy a nice used Volvo 240, so I took it. Yeah, I think all yanks are rich and drive Hummers, well thats simply not my case - I cannot afford those things and wouldn't drive the ugly thing if I could.

The Volvo is actually a nicer car and they have less troubles overall than the Bimmers. Cheaper to fix and gets better mileage, too. See...some yanks DO care about not over-consuming resources. guys are slow...I am surprised this thread got to this length, without blaming the yanks for the whole damn tsumani....isn't everything bad in the world OUR fault? The twit Englund at the UN beat you to it - they called us "stingy."


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:55 pm
by Brickboy240
Yeah, but haven't scientists theorized that the earth has been warming and cooling long before man began industrializing the planet? Yes, it is only a theory, but so is global warming only a theory, if you get down to brass tacks.


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:05 pm
by Pervert
Sorry to rain on your paranoia, ex-BC, but we do tend to only blame America (the government rather than the people) for the things it's responsible, or looks responsible, for.

Don't think I'll get used to your new moniker.

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:57 pm
by diplodocus
it's not a theory that the earth warms and cools over millions of years as the earth changes position on it's axis. The theory is the part that mankind is adding to and accelerating this process

Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:07 pm
by mart
It must have been so frustrating for you BC, waiting to get the opportunity for your hackneyed rant about how the US gets blamed for everything.


Re: Indian Ocean_Questions for God

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:14 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
The real reason bad things happen on earth is that the Devil is its ruler

If your a certain type of religious nut thats the case and who knows they just might be right

He rules from the Whitehouse for anyone wanting to talk to him..identitiy unknown
