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Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:55 pm
by WillieBo
'My instinct is the same as Caractacus ie to lay into Billy because I find him a bit of a tit. Hes a bit like Jimmy Nail in that they both think they are very important, they are both pretentious, they both take stroppy fits if criticised and they are both ex-drinkers from shipbuilding areas who now mistakenly think we are interested in them spouting on about their working class backgrounds while they sit in their mansions drinking Evian or Perrier or whatever poncy shite they drink. Sting is another major pain on this pretensious ex working class shite. Parkinson loves these cunts.'

magoo, this is wonderful stuff. after this do you really need to know what the idiot Connolly said ? I certainly don't !! I'm convinced already.

Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:02 pm
by Pervert
According to reports in HM Press and media, the windfilled and irritating one allegedly made some remark along the lines of "I wish they'd just get on with it" with regard Mr Bigley's captors. When a member of the audience shouted out, "That's a man's life you're talking about, Billy," he was (again allegedly) told by the grate man to fuck off.

How you feel about it depends on whether or not he actually said these things, and how you feel about Connolly. A rather sad number of people, assuming the account to be true, have jumped to his defence.

Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:16 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
I fucking hate Connolly with a passion.
Boring fucking unfunny bag of shit.
I agree with Mags on the Nail/Sting comparison.

Parky does indeed stick his tongue right up their arses.
Sycophantic bastard.

The act may have been funny once, although I never found it amusing.
There's only so many times you can re-tread the same old hackneyed gag and painting your beard pink doesn't make it any funnier.

I think he fits right in there with the smug cunt brigade.
Other alumnies include:
David Baddiel
Frank Skinner
Posh Spice
Lenny Henry
Dawn French
Rik Mayal (He was a God in the Young Ones...what happened???)
Richard Littlejohn (Cunt)
Gary Bushell (Racist cunt)
George Michael
Elton John

If this lot could get their heads out of their on arseholes for just one minute, I may get the chance to bitch slap them off stage.

Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:40 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
The one thing we've all over looked

maybe he was doing it to get his name splashed all over the papers

You know how some outdated Celebs(for want of a better word)
can't live without being up in lights all the time

I suppose his one saving grace is he married his shrink(smart move)
so therapy sessions can go over the hour(and regularly do)


Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:43 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
I saw his big banana feet back in 77 and I was convinced

Couldn't understand a word he said

So an idiot he has remained to this day IMHO

The only reason I can see that people find him amusing is his Lovable larrikin character that he puts on

It certainly isn't the material that he presents on stage


Re: Billy Connolly

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:47 pm
by mart
Apart from what he did or did not say, there are two further aspects of the incident which I find disturbing.
Firstly his foul-mouthed behaviour at the airport and secondly the rallying round to defend him by some of his sycophantic fans.
Does anyone know if he has had the good sense or good manners to make any kind of explanatory statement or is he so far up his own arse as to be totally oblivious to the public's response?
