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Re: Animals Fornicating-The Big Question?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:48 pm
by Pervert
It all makes sense now. Holden is Baddiel and Magoo is Skinner.

Re: Animals Fornicating-The Big Question?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:56 pm
by Holden MacGroyn
Gotta watch Trisha man.
I wanna see how lovely she looks today is her Elizabeth Duke range.

Re: Animals Fornicating-The Big Question?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:38 am
by janeycakes
'at central park zoo in manhattan, gay penguins Roy and Silo are proving a big attraction for visitors because theyre perfect parents.
'the guys got together in the breeding season of 1999'says zoo keeper Rob Gramzay 'we matched them up with a couple of single females, but they werent interested.Roy and Silo started nesting as a pair and getting very excited and loud - it's whats known as the "ecstatic display".
they tried to mate by jumping on eachothers back - so we gave them a dummy egg to see their reaction.'
the 16 year old lovebirds looked after it so well, keeping it warm and turning it over, that the next season Rob gave them a real one, which had been knocked out of a nest.
'they were really good dads,Roy and Silo are the best pair of first time penguin parents weve ever had' he says.'