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Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:58 pm
by Officer Dibble
It might not seem to matter to much in the great scheme of things that they altered a few words in Minder, but the principal, whether or not someone is able to substitute another person's reality and truth with their own approved version, matters very much indeed. What right do THEY have to do that with the truth? WHO gave them authority to do that? If we cannot rely on the truth as actually being true then it knocks the whole of reality out of sync. Consequently, we cannot make any sound judgments or reach any safe conclusions because we cannot be sure of the veracity of the information they are based on. It's the nightmare world of '1984,' 'Fahrenheit 451' and 'The Matrix' where there is no truth, only that which is dictated from upon high.

So, let's cherish and embrace the truth, whatever it may be. If we are grown-up, objective and wise, we will be able put it into context rest easy with it. You cannot build a house without impeccably solid foundations; the same principal applies to a healthy society. Take care not to blithely hand the truth over to those who would use it to subjugate and control us.

Officer Dibble - coming over all philosophical

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:51 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
I agree that editing out words of the day is very dangerous

Programs should contain appropriate warnings but I'm assuming the censors have taken the easy way out

Sweep it under the carpet to appease another Minority

Its not like editing will erase the word from history
Racism still exists today and no editing of this nature will make a smidgeon of difference otherwise the guy I've highlighted below would have been
banned before his shows got off the ground

The ultimate proof that its all about context is the Greek/Aussie Nick Giannopolous

....made himself filthy rich by taking the piss out of his own heritage
with such shows as Wogs out of Work & Wog-A-Rama


Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:06 pm
by Snake Diamond
I remember that "Dubbed" section of Dambusters, i think they changed "Nigger" the Dog, to "Blackie"

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:13 pm
by Peter
It was also changed in a documentry, too.

The problem with Political Correctness!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:29 pm
by Snake Diamond
The problem with Political Correctness, is that the people who think up all this "Political Correctness" BULLSHIT are just a bunch of Cowering WIMPS. They do NOT want to offend any minority, & want to keep the peace with their neighbours.

The truth of the fact is this, they do not have the BALLS to say what they feel, they have to think up new ways to express themselves, so they do not hurt any1's feelings.

Yes, to a certain degree, I think that certain words are outdated & of an Offensive nature. But to the degree the "Political Correctness" BOLLOX is heading, I dread to think where it will all end.

I for 1, will use whatever terminologies I like, if some1 doesn't like it, then guess what, "Tough Shit".

I have had, & still do, have friends from various specific Cultural / Ethnic / Colour / Religious backgrounds, on numerous occasions I have used some "Politically Incorrect" terms or phrases infront of them. Take a wild guess what these people have thought of the words I have said... Absolutely NOTHING. They could NOT care less what words I used, & some of these ppl I have known, & are still friends with, for over 20 years...

So that goes to show you what all this Political Correctness means to the average person in their own private life, not a DAMN thing!!!

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:42 pm
by The Last Word
I think another perspective might be in order:

I notice all these posts are coming from a wide, experienced viewpoint. A good thing of course, but that does not constitute the whole audience which these shows are broadcast for. These sorts of edits (and they did a real hatchett job on the Young Ones a few years back) are there to make them as acceptable as possible within the modern primetime context. The last thing the TV bosses want - for myriad reasons - is complaints from Mr and Mrs Disgusted of Tunbridge Welles about their Samuel and Emily being confronted with jovial racism within the realm of a comedy show they'd all sat down to watch together. Yes, they are playing to the middle ground, but it's something they always have done with regards to what's deemed acceptable and unacceptable by that particular demograph, which these days is probably broader - both age and race-wise - than ever before.

The two main channels - and the BBC in particular - have come a long way in recent years to reflect a more multicultural society, and, as the necessity for repeated material proves, have new material and talent as a priority - its present paucity being noticable to all. With increasing competion coming from a wide variety of media, they need to present themselves as open and fair as possible, to as wide an audience as possible, in order to prosper. Would a reminder of the casual political incorrectness that really only sporadically emerged in the increasingly distant past really be of any use to anyone these days? It might well be off-putting to those they're trying to attract. The original versions might be useful as a barometer for our changing climate, for sure, but change is the key issue here.

Yes, these edits are perhaps a dab of whitewash strategically placed, but I don't see them as part of any sinsister turning, just the actions of corporations trying ernestly to move with society's ebb and flow, and hopefully forward.

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 5:49 am
by DavidS
Last time I saw it, not so long ago, it was 'nigger', I think.

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 5:37 pm
by jj
Great stuff.
How about we change that 'people' in your quote, to 'children'? Sound more reasonable?

Corporal JJ- seeking harmony where there is discord.

Re: Political Correctness.............again!!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 7:44 pm
by Peter
Did anyone else see the Sunday Times, about a booklet (The Equal Treatment Bench Book) that has been issued to judges & the like, to stop them fallinf foul of PC'ness?

West Indian is out, as that has colonial overtones, mixed race is pejorative, and oriental is imprecise and should be avoided. Coloured is also a big no-no, refering to Chinese people as yellow is wrong, because they're not, yet people with brown skin must be called black, even though they're not. And don't think you can get round this with the Afro-carribean tag. This must now be African Carribean.

Postman is now postal worker, asking a woman if she's married is intrusive, and better served by asking if she'd like to be referred to as Miss Ms or Mrs.

Mental handicap is now learning disabilities, and "common sense" is a problem because it implies a value judgement.

Apparently its now not done to call someone a diabetic, they are "people with diabetes"

Wheelchair bound, or in a wheelchair are big no-no's, and must be referred to as wheelchair users.

There's 300 pages in this book.