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Re: Brave Americans liberating Iraq from evil

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:23 am
by monkeyman
May as well. The UN have been ignoring it for 30 years, may as well continue idefinately. If the whole thing was about oil, we would have pushed into Baghdad back in Feb 91. As far as I know, the oil has been turned over to Iraq and the profits will filter back to them, not the Bush family bank as some would have you believe. When the Iraqi population rose up against the regime, the UN turned around and shoved it's head back up it's ass. However, the US constantly is constanty berated by liberals for abandoning the innocent and allowing them to be slaughtered, yet give praise to the UN for stepping back and evaluating giving time for discussion. But that is all it does. And it's the most boring building in the whole of NYC. Sorry, tangent...

This is not another 'Vietnam' situation as has been mentioned. That's another liberal myth. North Vietnam was sending thousands of troops south into RVN. Was Iraq invaded by another country? The whole policy in South East Asia was screwed-up politics, drawn up by the only thing worse than a politician that thinks, one who doesn't think. The administration never had any plans to win the war, few in the late 60s knew why they were there, when they took ground, only to give it back to the NVA the next day.

I'm ranting and getting further off topic and lost the point...

I can't condone the actions of that USMC unit, but understand it fully. They were real fucking stupid to film anything. I haven't seen the video, but video can be faked. If it's not faked than let UCMJ take it's course.
It's all fine saying how bad it is, but patrol the greenline in many of these fine Iraqi towns, and see if your opinion wavers. Getting shot at is not fun, but occasionally it is rewarding to pick off some of the bastards that have been firing RPGs, shooting at medevacs as they fly over after picking up injured Iraqis (many by roadside bombs, homicide bombers, granades thrown at markets, revenge attacks, yadda yadda), slashing troopers throats whilst siiting in a Vee laboring at an intersection. How do you know that the prick that was put out his misery hadn't been doing that everday for months? The liberal media portays the Iraqis as being totally innocent. If you search a town and kick in a door, it's a brutal search. Images of middle aged men sitting plasticuffed on the roadside while their wive wail for the camera. More than likely she's hiding something under the burka as you can't search women. And where are the younger men of the household? More than likely sitting in a bush with an AK in one hand elctrical wire rigged to a car battery attached to an IED waiting for a patrol to move past.

Fuck. It's so much to just talk about pussy on here!.....