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Re: Classy ladies disappearing

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:44 pm
by cyril
I concur with all of the above. Jan Burton's 'Nylon Sex' website was also taken down and is missed.
I was under the impression that Sally Taylor worked for one of the main supermarkets but may be wrong. She is greatly missed as well.

Re: Classy ladies disappearing

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:23 pm
by sparky

I agree that so long as within the boundaries you state there ought to be no problems but in reality there are several factors not least those who post here being open minded.

Total separation / anonymity is now impossible as even if only private work eventually something will get uploaded to the internet and be there forever.

There are so many who would not want to be associated in any way with a company who employed somebody who had any links to the adult industry let alone directly have contact with them. There could be issues with other employees too.

If the person is in a public facing role inevitably they will be recognised and word will get around, even if not eventually it will come out in conversation somewhere. Then at one level there will be fans seeking sightings if not contact but at another the risk of any with a grudge seeking an approach for revenge. Worst would be the wrong publicity from a visit by anti-porn campaigners / protesters.

Re: Classy ladies disappearing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:13 pm
by Chopper_Images
Totally agree with the sentiments, sad to see top class models disappear.
All sadly missed
Thankfully I still have a lot of private content from those days
