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Re: Darren Morgan, a question...

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:19 am
by David71
As Darren has said, Poppy has moved on to other things in her life. We should respect this, say thanks for the memories and move on.

Re: Darren Morgan, a question...

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:25 am
by max_tranmere
Certainly, but the mainstream media has dug it all up in the last couple of days. As I said in the other thread on this forum the amount of coverage Poppy has got in the last 48 hours across the spectrum of the press and internet possibly exceeds the amount of coverage any British pornstar has ever had before. Also when someone does something on video it is immortalised - there forever.

Re: Darren Morgan, a question...

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:50 pm
by Darren L Morgan
Any interview done was done without the knowledge of how your career would pan out, where things would take you. Nothing like this as ever happened before and I cant think of any other UK porn star having so much media coverage, we were not to know this would ever happen.
The fact that it has happened after Poppy has retired changes things...she has earned her stripes and now retired, so we should respect her privacy.
Yes, the press will not allow this and will dig up stories, BUT...Poppy is a fantasy, a product, a business....the real person behind the stage name is a completely different person.
Believe what you want to believe but as has been mentioned countless times..."you cant believe everything you read in the press"
The only thing that is real is the fact she was very good at what she did, dedicated and always gave 110%...she will remain an icon of UK porn, and well deserved!

Re: Darren Morgan, a question...

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:57 pm
by Darren L Morgan
Thank you David.
If this had happened during Poppy's career it would have been a different story, she is now herself, with a whole new life...we need to respect that and remember what she gave to the UK porn industry, and respect that, not disrupt the person she really is and the new life she has built.


Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:47 am
by Laura Hermansen Fan
"she will remain an icon of UK porn, and well deserved". I agree with that but that is where the private life and the public life become blurred. If the image and the hundreds of films she did remain in the public domain, and they will because they'll be copies for sale in shops for ever more and things on the internet stay there forever, then 'Poppy Morgan the porn star' will always exist, even though 'the real person behind the stage name' (as you say) has got a new life now and has moved on. It's like a recording artist who made lots of albums, did many photoshoots and music videos too - no matter how much they want to move on and start a new life that stuff will always be in the public domain. I wonder why some porn girls are so keen to profoundly move on, become the person behind the porn name, and disassociate themselves from their porn life, porn persona, and to act like it never happened. Are these girls ashamed of what they did?

I mentioned earlier how I started a fan page for Laura Hermansen (hence my name on here), she must be in a predicament if she wanted to put it all behind her as she used her real name in porn - so it would be very easy for family and friends to stumble across her porn stuff on the internet. At least 'Poppy Morgan' didn't use her real name. Morgan is clearly your surname, and you two were obviously married, and she claimed 'Poppy' was a name she used to get called as a nickname years earlier. I've read a few interviews with her online in the last day or two, but in another interview she claims she made up the thing about being called 'Poppy' as a nickname, and said it just for a laugh in the other interview.

By the way, on the subject of Worthing again, as we discussed earlier, it's interesting how you mentioned heading back to see family and friends in Hull from there. Even though one is travelling from one end of the country to almost the other, it is not that bad a journey I would imagine. Worthing to Haywards Heath, then a train to Kings Cross on Thameslink from there, then a train to Hull. Three trains and all do-able in about 5 hours door-to-door I would imagine. I did like it down there, but the area is one of extreme contrasts. There are some of the biggest houses you will see anywhere at Ferring and Kingston Gorse, just next to Worthing, then you have areas of poverty in Worthing and Lancing - but I suppose extreme contrasts are common place in England. Worthing overall is what would be described as a middle class town though. I liked lived down that way.