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Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:13 pm
by Rachellesummers
I do still work with Paul but I did not work with male models or nude photographers which is what your post insinuated.
Not only that but maybe (yet again) get your facts straight on wetting work. I do not so wetting as its above my levels. All sites I work for accommodate to stay within what I am comfortable with thank you very much. I am happy with fetish as long as I do not have to do anything I am uncomfortable doing and it doesn't include open leg material.
But very childish input from you there really.
You were out of line posting about that photo sayig it looked like I was nude with a photographer rather than a male model when it happens to be the man I'm engaged to. It gave people the wrong idea which is out of order!
And the reason this entire thread went to me getting hassled was by people jumping the gun and making pointless comments about that which has led to me getting hassled - very mature of you. You have no need to comment about my picture with my partner let alone make accusations about it either.

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:53 pm
by Hugh6821
So, the video you did for wettingherpanties is fake? Don't really care for the genre, or know a lot about it, so I guess it could be faked.

Cause whatever it is, it can't be blamed on someone being clever or taking angles not agreed on. So either you agreed to do a video actually wetting yourself or you did one faking wetting yourself.
Bit pointless to argue which is true since I'd would say that both options are beyond your stated levels, but maybe you disagree?

(Oh, it does seem that a number of sites that you have worked for have failed to accommodate to stay within what you're comfortable with.)

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:03 pm
by Rachellesummers
And where exactly on my profile does it say I don't do fetish work? No where.
Every site I am on is within my levels. I do not so open leg. None of them show open leg. I am happy with fetish work as long as it doesn't injure me I.e hanging from ceilings. I don't so b/g work.
So enlighten me as to which sites I have worked for being out of my comfort zone?

I have no problem being on a wetting site as it isn't open leg and I haven't actually stood there and peed myself which is way out of what I could do on set.

But you are generally just picking an arguement for the sake of things here. The main point of me singling you out was the fact you have came on here saw that the thread is talking about the hassle it has caused me yet not had any problem or had complete lack of thought and care that the comment you made about b/g shit could affect me and cause me more hassle just as it was dying down. The comment you made was also bloody rude. No need for it what so ever when the conversation and hassle was pretty much over and done with yet you had to stick your two pennith in and cause me more hassle where it wasn't wanted!
If you can't see how it was wrong of you to put on a forum that has already had people jump to conclusions about you thinking I've done b/g work and worked above my levels then you are seriously a nasty little bit of work. But thankyou - all I wanted from my day today after the hassle I've had already was to find out what gonzo was by some perv who now thinks I work to those levels. But no you were totally right you've done nothing wrong posting that comment :)

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:22 pm
by Hugh6821
"I do not so wetting as its above my levels."

So, without discussing how it's being faked since that's what you're saying, you're ok doing fake wetting and people believing that you peed yourself? And, I'm presuming that people are contacting you about such work due to that video?

Again, I have never said that you did b/g. I've said you posed with a nude male, who didn't look like either a boyfriend or male model, and more like a photographer. In hindsight, knowing more, I guess it was rude to your fianc? to argue that he didn't look like a boyfriend or male model.

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:53 pm
by tog
hmm, had considered working with this model previously - changed my mind now. too much chaos and trouble involved for me !


Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:09 pm
by Rachellesummers
If sticking up for myself makes me a bad person then feel free to never work with me. I will not allow anybody to bad mouth me on a forum when there was no need for it. I hadn't said anything to deserve that rude comment so am well within my right to stick up for myself. I hate conflict but will not sit by and receive messages about work above my levels thanks to a rude comment by someone - there was no need for his input on a picture of me and my partner.
His behaviour is the one in question here.
But maybe you should check any of the references I have and you will find yourself that I am one of the most professional models they have met or had communications with - I get told this a lot actually because I pride myself on it. But if you want to take my attitude to somebody during a disagreement over a comment they have made about me over my professional attitude towards photographers and shoots (which if you were thinking of booking me should be the one that matters) then feel free. Sure it isn't a loss to me if you think sticking up for myself is a bad thing.

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:40 pm
by IainT
This thread is pretty outrageous and highlights a lot of what is bad with the industry.

Rachelle is a respected Professional model. In a short time she has built a sterling reputation for consistency and reliability and you won't hear a bad word about her. For her to be insulted and treated like this on a forum simply because she chooses to model within specific levels and sticks to those levels reflects really badly on certain people who should be ashamed of themselves.

Whilst still very young, she displays a a maturity far beyond a lot of (presumably) middle aged men who inhabit model sites.

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:49 pm
by Rachellesummers
If it is not open leg and they are not wanting me to pee myself then yes I am perfectly happy to work for sites like that as previously mentioned it is not open leg and it isn't fetish work that physically hurts me so why wouldn't I be? It is what the site requires for people to assume I am so I'm not really fussed what so ever to be honest. Just like I don't exactly wear satin clothes and dance around and rub the clothes getting excited over the material but if the site requires it and they are within my levels then I get the job done and make sure its bloody well believable - kinda what makes a good model if you can't tell it's fake no?

But I don't even see why we are getting into that - other than the fact you made yet another rude comment about me doing the site at the end of one of your posts (yet again not neccessary)

I did not want to argue with you all I wanted was to say my piece that it was not acceptable what you posted because I got hassle because of it! All Iain said was I was appearing on a site and that caused hassle for me so what did you think that pointless comment you made was going to do?

I mean what exactly was the point in putting it on here? What has it got to do with you whether it looks like a male model or boyfriend? And exactly what did you think that post was going to make people think.. I have never done anything to you so there was no need to chance causing me more hassle with people now assuming I do b/g work - which is what it has done.

That is all I came on here to say is thanks a lot for your comment on a picture of me and my partner because just as the hassle from the open leg requests had died down you made that pointless comment and I get even worse requests for it!
I mean if you weren't trying to say I do b/g work that is above my levels what exactly was the point in the comment? Just simply to say that you didn't think my partner was good looking enough to be in a model photo... because if it was the only point to it then that is just pathetic and a pointless comment to make on a thread about me not doing open leg...

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:53 pm
by tog
i agree with iains point but remember it only takes one reply to stand up for yourself. anything more is just stoking the flames and digging deeper. retain your dignity and stop this argument.

Re: Rachelle Summers - aka Chaos of Trouble

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:00 pm
by Hugh6821
I fail to see how doing what she's says is fake wetting can be considered as sticking to her levels. Anyone who sees it, fake or not, will assume that she is wetting herself on video, and that she's ok doing so.

If she stuck to her levels, there wouldn't be a video of her wetting herself.

(This is quite different from her doing spanking videos and showing more of herself than what she's ok with, which very well could, even rather likely, be due to the photographer not staying within what she's comfortable with. But then, due to what it's all about, it shouldn't be a surprise that it resulting video may show more than a model would be ok with.)

But I agree fully with your earlier comment that models shouldn't be doing any kind of adult work. Actually, models should probably stay away from any kind of nude work or lingerie. Or most modelling sites that also allows GWCs. But then that's where the money is. Amateurs and nudity.

And with the facebook, google, etc now working on face recognition, using aliases won't be much help, not that it is today anyway with a number of sites being all about display every site a model has worked on and every one of her aliases.