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Re: I'm still here

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:20 pm
by Essex Lad
I have to say that I don't think anyone could read that and not think that you were saying she was dead.

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:22 am
by one eyed jack
Its amazing how some people have to try and justify their wrongs than hold their hands up in surrender and do the right thing and apologise

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:34 am
by socatoa
Trumpton, you owe Jamie an apology mate, stop squirming and get it done!!!

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:01 am
by Kyle Richmond
How could amyone read that and not think she had died so cannot see how the poster thought it could be taken any other way. Suggest they should apologise for posting it and no doubt getting untold numbers of forumites scrambling around the web trying to find more details of "the death"

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:07 am
by ted
Trumpton, if you're trying to wiggle around this matter on terms of a 'technicality', it's even worse imo.

I thought (hoped?) that you had been personally misled or that you had quoted from another source that was incorrect. Now from your latest post it seems that, on account of a person not publishing a website and/or operating a twitter account, you took it upon yourself to compose a message that, for whatever reason(s), was designed to mislead people into thinking the subject of the post had died.

The wording and layout of the post shows that you either wanted to convey the belief that Ms Brooks was deceased, or that her inactivity as regards operating a public twitter account meant that "she was taken from us" and "is at peace now" - ie you come across as an obsessed nutcase who is exacting revenge for not receiving twitter updates.

Either way, you are a complete disgrace. Your apparent complete disregard for your actions and refusal to sincerely apologise for the same to Jamie speak volumes. You give free speech on the internet a bad name.

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:23 am
by jamie brooks 07
Sorry just read this. What a pile of shite! My inactivity on my social networking platforms at that time was down to personal circumstances, I am allowed to take time out for important things in life such as family aren't I Trumpton???
For me to momentarily shut down my Twitter I do not need to give notice or ask for your acceptance first!
What really is the cherry on the cake for me is saying you didn't post I was deceased when that is exactly what you said, many many people read that post. In fabricating this absurd reason for doing so you have also confirmed that the rumour started with yourself.
I hope for your sake somebody doesn't decide to post on forums across the internet that your sister or daughter is DEAD. You would see how sickening the notion is. Disgraceful!

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:39 am
by pasties24
well said Jamie, I'm not sure why some people think they have some divine right to poke into a person's private life. Apart from this shocking rumour spreading hope all is well with you and your own.

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:10 am
by jamie brooks 07
Totally out of order. Im very well otherwise, thank you for asking !happy! !thumbsup!

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:11 pm
by Markybloke
And Jamie is from Brighton not Hull

Re: Im still here

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:58 pm
by Sam Slater
Just seen this pathetic excuse.

Your post was up a long time before the admin removed it and you had plenty of time to explain things. It seems you saw the admin removing your post gave you the perfect opportunity to concoct this little story up about it not being about Ms. Brooks dying - no one would remember exactly what you put. Luckily someone copied it down word for word. Bad form all round.

But then again, you've taken great pride in the past, telling us how you hit a homeless guy bugging you for money.......around Christmas time if I remember correctly. All good fun on some other forums, I'm sure but most decent folk think differently.