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Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:49 am
by rexwantinsex
sorry, but I'm looking at this as a potential customer and you're saying there's no money to be made?? if that's the case, why are American and European companies making so much??

this is what confuses me about the British industry and the apparent short-sightedness of British producers - TV is crap, there's no hardcore on TV (legal I know!) and I've had better erotic moments looking at the lingerie section of Grattan than I have with those pointless phone-in channels which can't show anything better than a nipple!

the internet has no boundaries, yet British producers still make poor websites which don't show their content in a positive light - we're in the age of high speed broadband, and I still find British sites which offer either movies broken into 5 minute clips or if they are full length, the file size is so small (100-200mb) that the video is just grainy when viewed on anything larger than an iPhone screen

this is what I don't understand - you've got archives full of hardcore footage (which will have been edited onto softcore for TV) yet no-one appears to want to release the original hardcore versions in their glory for members of their sites, why not??

I'd pay money to be able to view Michelle Thorne's original Slut Search series from the TVX channels, just like I would to watch Cathy Barry's Diaries films as proper downloadable scenes, but in higher definition than the current versions on her site

I don't understand why British producers seem to be thinking "there's no money to be made" yet American and European companies are clearly making it somewhere.... and the Internet allows them to shop their content to anyone at the click of a mouse - harking back to the old VHS/Razzle days is not going to make you money now, I don't buy magazines or softcore DVDs, I purely buy porn over the web so I can A) get what I'd like (many of these scenes aren't on DVD as they are website only) and B) I get it right away which is why it's convenient for many people

I just don't get what makes everyone else so different when they're clearly getting business from somewhere, so what makes British producers exempt from attracting this business too? It may be me thinking it's all rosy etc, but given that I'm paying for these companies anyway, I don't get why British companies aren't following suit on an already profitable business model

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:24 am
by one eyed jack
If that's the case, why are American and European companies making so much??

Who says this Rex??? Who has said thisis boom time for porn. Collectively it is, if you are in the bsuiness of giving it away to get traffic...Or stealing it to give away for traffic.

I've heard from reliable sources that Evil Angel isnt doing as well as it could...This is doublespeak for saying the money aint what it used to be.

I know Dave comes across like doom and gloom but he tells it as he sees it without dressing it up nice.

I understand what you are saying but the plethora of producers you describe as in the dark ages is relative to the same in the US that are not the cream of the crop.

It all depends what your into, and gloss and high end quality is your thing then youve got it in Viv Thomas, Harmony, Blue Bird, Killergram to name but a few.

Your criticism will fall on deaf ears to the people you are accusing of this because they really have no idea what you are talking about thinking it must be about someone else.

Ive tried offering advice (you may think my stuff is shit which is fair enough) but it was interesting to hear the same feedback where they think they are reinventing the wheel

"I'm doing something different from everyone else" I couldnt even claim that but I know with Real Couples it is more than just a guy doing four positions and a cum shot. In fact, Ive played on the weaknesses and strengths to make it work.

Im still here so I must still have an audience.

You wrote:

"I don't understand why British producers seem to be thinking "there's no money to be made" yet American and European companies are clearly making it somewhere"

My answer to that is a phone call from a certain model that has very good ties with producers in europe who said that some producers (of very good content who shall remain nameless) have described the current situation as if "the sky has come down"

I say we should knuckle down and embrace the change and make it work. After all, its the very same change that allowed us to get where we are.

The difference is whether you got what it takes to stay in the game.

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:50 pm
by Dave Wells
Simples - they are distributors not producers. Producers get peanuts to make it so distributors can make fortunes from it. I'm saying there ain't no money in producing it ! Granted some are both (producers who also distribute) but for producers paid a commission, these days forget it.

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:49 am
by DiSanto
The business is not all doom and gloom.
Just like any industry, if you don't adapt you won't survive.
Produce content you believe will be right for your target market, and keep shooting and investing in your/the business.
Then develop good business relationships that enable you to get the product to market.
Every business sector has to deal with external issues that effect it, so deal with them!!
As content producers we supply enough production to enable the Killergram site to be updated every day and also have enough content in stock to cover @ 9 months worth of of daily updates (allowing for any potential disruption in production). Surely this is just good business practice and we are not a big organisation at all (3 people working full time)
In addition we shoot content for Daring and Brazzers, so obviously its worthwhile shooting and investing in British talent and an active business exists.
In the "Manwin"era how can a site expect to attract a decent subscriber base without the minimum of an update very day? As the documentary suggested, there is lots of new talent coming into the business, so support them and get shooting.....

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:51 am
by Dave Wells
FANTASTIC ! Gizza job ?

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:14 am
by DiSanto
I'd be putting myself out of a job Dave, if you took over the shooting:) (although I'm sure that you would do a better job)
But thats my point exactly.
Keep your productions tight and your overheads to a minimum.
Modern gear lets even numpties like me get a decent result. When I shoot, I do the stills, shoot the video, edit the content etc myself...
I remember when Anjali and I first got into the business in 2001. A big UK producer/performer came to one of our early shoots (he must of thought it was "amateur time at the zoo".
I was eager to learn and get info about the business so I asked him if he thought that "content shot for the web would cross over to offline DVD or broadcast" He looked at me like I was a total cunt and went on to say. "what the fuck are talking about mate, you aint selling shoes now pal. This business is all about getting your cock sucked, and what birds are the best to fuck. Its all about Industry parties and getting your face out there"!!
It was the best "non advise" on how to run a business that I have ever had. I've never had my dick sucked by any Pornstar (other than then my wife) and I personally wouldn't be seen dead at an "Industry Party"
So my advise 11 years on is "get your head down, work hard and shoot your content". If all else fails you have Adultwork to fall back on!!!

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:50 am
by jimslip
Yes indeed, "Non advice" from porn "Experts" has been also very valuable to us. It got to a point that if porn officianodos hated whatever it was we were doing, then it would almost certainly be a good idea, whatever we were planning! I remember when we started, one "Big cheese", (Who now resides in the draw marked, "Where are they now?") saying, "You will fail mate, I mean you ain't a body builder and you ain't got a Cockney accent, you will booooomb! ha!ha!ha!" in fact his bitter twistedness was so virulent, I'm sure in his own head he added, ".......and when you fail mate, I'll come and piss all over the debris of your career and laugh in your face!"

So my advice is this, if whatever you are doing breaks with "The norm" then you might be on to a good thing!!cigar!

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:51 am
by one eyed jack
Make like Nike and just do it! :-)

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:34 pm
by one eyed jack
..Wouldnt be seen dead at an industry party eh?

I kind of expected something a little more diplomatic coming from Killergrams chief supremo

Fair play to you guys, you dont need such events but I find those kind of comments unwarranted when you consider there are alot of things going on right now that needs the industry to band together more than it has needed to in the past.

Coming from a big player like yourself this just smacks of arrogance. I kind of expected something better from you guys.

Youve just managed to put every single event into something of just being a turn out for a sex party.

I've not seen this at an AITA meeting or a UKAP meeting where I and many other producers go to network and meet models/ couples face to face in a friendly atmosphere.

Thanks for trashing the rest of us mere mortals !happy! Next to you we are not worthy obviously !bow!

You sound like the same person who gave you that advice!!!!

Re: louis theroux bbc 2 now

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:21 pm
by DiSanto
Firstly as I said in a post earlier today, our company consists of only 3 full time staff members.

Do you seriously consider us to be "big players", with that sort of limited setup?

So just to clarify, you consider me to be arrogant , because I make a "personal" decision to not attend Adult Industry parties?

(where did I even mention UKAP, AITA etc?)

I cannot see anything in my posts that could be interpreted as "trashing anyone" and I assumed that this forum was a place to share experiences and opinions.
I'm sorry if my opinion is not appreciated.

The point of my post was to make it clear that there is nothing special about what we do and that its my opinion that the UK has some great talent.

Nothing confrontational or sensational so I'm quite surprised by the tone of your response.