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Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:38 pm
by Jonone
Yes, it can be a considerable overhead. If work is scheduled regularly you could plan around that but for the great majority that isn't the case. One gets the impression that shoots can happen on quite an ad hoc basis and are also subject to cancellation, rearrangement etc all of which frustrate the best intentions and efforts to plan.

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:41 pm
by JohnnyRebel
Yo girl!

It's a shame that you have been singled out in this situation, but nobody else is willing (or allowed on this forum) to name and shame.
The people I know ARE faking or have faked tests, still work in the industry and have the cheek to shout the loudest about this! One performer in particular, knowingly worked when he knew he had something because he needed the money! He self-medicated, but still passed on an std to fuck knows how many other people!
I stopped using him because of this and he went around telling everyone that he stopped working with me because I paid shit money!
One of the reasons I stopped performing last year was because of this and now I like the performers to pick each other for my shoots.
Because you had the guts to admit you made a mistake, I'm more than happy to work with you in the future.

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:33 pm
by Conchita
Thats right,

for example in my case, I do solo work mainly, many times I had to say no to a hardcore shoot because it was very short notice and my certs were one or 2 days out of date, I imagine thats the case with most performers, plus the cancelations off course.

Terry Stephens sugested in the UKAP website, to have a performers
association, which I think its a great idea, no only to sort the certs essue out if not many others, as there are other dark bits and pieces within the industry.

About the certs, a database would be the best option, I know that there are many performers that dont want their real names to be seeing by everyone, it could be sorted by having a performers ID with a number insted of a name and this number could be the one showed in each performers certs, Im happy to contact and visit the clinics and try to make it posible but I will need support and I would say that coming clean and talking about my certs its helping much at all, so wee will see what I get.

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:24 pm
by one eyed jack
Oi John, UKAP is not a porn boys club. the only people that come out and say these things ar epeople who have never been to a meeting.

Why is it when a few random producers get on and decided to do something to rectify the industry s problems that peopel think we are some kind of consortium???

We all continue to run our own business and the good thing is some of us occasionally do try to do thinkgs together business wise like networking.

In fact the last two meetings were really good and brought into perspective why we should have an association because if there wasnt , things like this could not be addressed.

Like you said, most producers know (or think they know) who the perpetrators of faked certs are but if I think it is who you are referring to then none of the producers in UKAP actually worked with those performers (unless I have done so on the Real Couples series because I dont see the point of asking performers for certs as they are genuine couples and outside parties to this use condoms anyway, as they would be expected to use them in real life)

UKAP has given producers a forum to speak about this and to be honest there is not much we can do if many producers take the same stand and not want to be part of this because the problem will still continue because this business has no unity.

If you are in town during the next meeting, why not pop by and see what its all about. You missed a good meeting with regards combatting piracy and you of all people might have found it interesting what we have learned.

Producers in gneral are powerless to a point and this was proved by the lack of support with regards the new health initiative. I know the issues regarding why it wouldnt work, but only two performers turned up to state their case and those were the two that could afford to help subsidise it.

We wanted all those against it to step in and state their case so the clinic reps could hear for themselves...well I could go on but this has all been well documented already.

A performers association would be the best and if it doesnt work then its simply because not enough care about it to make it work and what can a bunch of producers do to remedy that?

I can think of an answer but itwouldnt be very diplomatic and the clinics suggested already that the perofrmers should be dancing to the producers tune seeing that we are the ones employing them but what can you do when you have only less than half the producing community and the rest not wanting to be part of it for fear of coming under scrutiny of the nay sayers and saboteurs who prefer anarchy as it means they can get their wicks wet without having to conform to any kind of standard.

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:59 pm
by one eyed jack
if you are not in the industry - 'fuck off'

I never said i was in this for the glory.

It was people that felt that wanted to examine my motives that had this whole thing in mind.

I was passionate about it because I simply cared and yes...Tis true, some producers are more equual than others. Like some men are more equal than others.

Whats your point?

I shoot couples so therefore i dont need to care at all but the truth is, i do and it frustrates me that people havent come together to do it for themselves and the fans have helped fuck it up by making it a personal attack on me.

Goes to show what the"so called fans" were about then doesnt it?

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:18 pm
by Tanya Cox

Anyone who has ever faked a cert should be made an example of to stop others doing it,

they should be named & shamed, done for fraud & kicked out the industry.

No reason excuses faking a cert, and apolagises are worthless to legal performers who have caught infections from these nasty/selfish cunts who have been faking their certs.

Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:27 pm
by Tanya Cox
they should be named so we can avoid working with them,

Johnny i will email you direct,


Re: How common are fake certs?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:28 pm
by one eyed jack
I'm not bitter about it. Just stating facts.

ive come to the conclusion Ive done my part and it didnt work.

If the fans can help then by all means go ahead. no one was stopping them in the first place.

in fact I havent ever heard of a fan standing up for the cause so again, whats your point.

Have a listen to this interview and feel free to criticise us from that.As far as im concerned we did a damn sight more than what any so caled fan has done. Again Im more frustrated by this non starter. Certainly not bitter. it was a thankless job to begin with and if it did get off the ground it would take many people to make it happen (namely the performers) so I wasnt looking for any statue of recognition if thats what you mean.

Bear in mind I took up the cause because it was a topic that was fiercely debated for a few years already...I dont see any fan bringing that up before.