A Personal View on UK Porn

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Phil McC

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn (proper one!)

Post by Phil McC »

I think we may be far off getting legal porn on broadcast. The ITC are not the BBFC and they probably will have a good argument as even the goverment have indicated they will not allow mail order of 18R videos even if you only accept credit card to prove age verification. This how pay to view or subscriptions work. I would prefer more sex shops or the ability to buy through licenced news agent who do not display the covers on shelves.
In the mean time if anyone can supply me with their local sex shops address or local freindly newsagent(nods as good as a) I will contact them and try and enrole them as a supplier.
email to my usual address jim@devlinmediagroup.com

Free video CD to everyone who supplies a good contact address etc
ask Alex if I am good with my word.
Phil McC

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn (proper one!)

Post by woodgnome »

perhaps the most practical means of making r18 material available to a wider public, might be through making use of existing video chains such as blockbusters or approved independent video retail operations.

this is fairly standard in america and on the continent. simply license established chains to rent r18 videos from specially sectioned off areas of their store and make providing proof of age cumpulsory before allowing purchase.

this might at least get local councils off the hook, created by their own politically correct hypocrisy, when it comes to their reluctance to be seen issuing licenses for full blown (if you'll pardon the expression) sex shops.

or maybe it's just to bloody commonsensical! :-(

after all, the most secure method imaginable, for the distribution of adult content, has to be through the use of dedicated, encrypted, late night subscription channels.

how many hoops should a citizen have to jump through before the authorities acknowledge his/her right to obtain something that is now entirely legal.

don't even get me started on the absurdities of the current postal restrictions!! :-((

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Pasta »

joey wrote:
> > Sorry to have to contradict you: Viv Thomas is a bloke I am
> > afraid.
> I didn't mean the list entirely seriously - hence the ":-)"
> Also, "Paula Markham" is Paul Markham - I suspect he is that
> bloke with the long tongue and glasses that turns up in a lot
> of those shots. I suspect "Delia Samuel" is (at least fronted
> by) "Daryl Vaughan".
> Really, I was just emphasising my point about "marketing by
> obfuscation."

I would like to thank you for using the term "marketing by
obfuscation" in a discussion about porn! hope no offence taken

Re: A Personal View on UK Porn

Post by Chris »

I completely agree with what has been written here.

1, the amateur situation is a joke. Long gone are the day's of 'Readers Wives'. It's a sad state of affairs.

2, I would rather watch a girl who knows how to make the camera work in her favour and who can genuinely add that little bit extra to her performance than an 18 year old who will freeze quicker than a rabbit in a pair of headlights. What is wrong with people these days .... quality over quantity anytime

3,I hate this. It demeans the girls and the industry as a whole. Refer to them as babes , goddesses and ladies by all means but terms like 'slut' , 'bitch' and ' nasty' achieve nothing

4, A woman's perspective would be like a breath of fresh air. Women know what women want and it would be the first step in making the industry mainstream and would certainly put distance between now and how it used to be when it was the dirty old man in a raincoat mentality

Glad to have got that off my chest