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Re: Fuck you!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2001 11:39 pm
by liam
Well Bernard is definately funnier,eats more,swears more(close tho'),and only takes the piss.

Re: Fuck you!

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2001 12:25 pm
by woodgnome
woodgnome wrote:
> pasta: read my initial post in this thread.

>Yeah, I read it - that's why I was talking about the web page >you mentioned.

i was replying to your previous post before your second one made its appearance.

> hannah coleman is not some whiney chick who's going to stamp
> her little foot because the dressing room doesn't have an ice
> cooler!
> she gives a credible account of a guy who, at least on this
> occasion, displayed a gross lack of respect for other peoples
> limitations, just because they weren't his own.
> i'm a big fan of his output generally, so i've nothing
> against him in principle, but ultimately the whole adult
> entertainment business is founded upon the consenting
> involvement of the female performers.
> they consent because they like sex, they like to do it in the
> public eye and they like to earn a living doing it. sex
> though, is not the same as someone pissing in your mouth -
> not for most of us, anyway.
[snipped comments on other subject]

>Totally agree with you. But it begs the question a) why did she >agree to do the gig with Rocco in the first place?
>b) (and this is probably why) why did her agency not make her >aware of exactly what Rocco likes to do in his movies?

>Ms Halbourg not only supplied girls for Rocco, but appeared in >his productions too. She of all people should have advised this >girl on what was likely to be expected.

That is part of what a good agent should be doing for their client. maybe the problem lies in the increasingly agressive nature of his performances through this period.

perhaps kirsyn made assumptions about the nature of the gig that weren't borne out in fact. either she didn't didn't do her job properly or rocco changed the rules to suit himself. obviously we'll never know

>It is interesting to note that Rocco did several films in a >fairly short period of time here, then has not made a UK based >feature since, if I am right.

he's since moved on to poland and canada and other regions of the globe. seeking out virgin territory, so to speak, is part of his job description.

>In the case mentioned, I think there was fault on all sides.

>As to the reasons for the girls being in the business, I don't >think it is as clear cut as you say. Plus sadly some are under >naive illusions about the nature of the business.

and it also is very different from country to country, to go by hannah's remarks in the interview. brit porn is a cottage industry whereas the american model is more like general motors assembly line