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Re: videoangels

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:46 pm
OK so the first points have been re-addressed and you will be informing all your potential future customers that what they see in all of your sites promotional videos and written text is what they will be receiving once they have paid their subscriptions , and all future updates will be regulary posted when avaiable.

Next point to 'finchd' re his original thread , your reply to his question was and i quote the words used by yourself " Specificly Held Hostage and Don't know" and the best till last " Lucky dip" not exactly the reply i would have expected from a customer care point of view, but don't lose heart 'finchd' you could see Ms Sampson one day or buy the bloody video and have done with it.

Personal issues no problems with me, but with others apparently please do tell ? love a good gossip.

Can't believe the next point your telling me that you take no part in viewing any of the videos and leave it to your editor . . . you add two videos a week at roughly 15 mins per vid and you do not know the content, wow quality control at it's finest , if my workforce tried that on with me turning out a product with out my approval they would be out of the door pronto.

Another point in our disscusion was the problems with the downloading and re-setting of servers, you say that of the sites that i mentioned that one or maybe two do exactly the same , well i have had no problems over the years (just join ocasionally) the only two sites i have had problems with are yours and Dogging uncovered and they actually refunded my subscription top customer service dept.

And may i ask what are you doing looking at these sites?, maybe they are parragons of cyber virtue after all , and you are trying to asspire to the high standards that they have put down , the great lead and the meek follow.

Finally in all of my threads i have never once called you a charlatan or used any other use of mallicious or denegrating remarks , you seem to be missing the most important fact through all of these threads, and that is the plain fact that you are a retailer of a product and i am your customer and without myself and others you would cease to trade , and as your customer i have the right to air my concerns regarding your product , if you accept this fact and act on critisicms you will flourish , if not that is entirely your right and keep on replying to these threads with more ascorbic comments, till one of us runs out of benign crap to throw at each other!!!

Not all people in life lie down to be walked all over by others.

Re: videoangels

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:52 am
by Officer Dibble
Again you're recycling and laboring the same points that have already been addressed. I imagine by now you are feeling a little bit awkward, possibly even foolish? So you?re trying to bolster your case using the only ammunition you have got - ammunition that has already been spent! You wish you had never joined this thread, right?

But you brought this on yourself. I have no problem with folks pointing out bugs and suggesting how we might make their VideoAngls.TV experience better. In fact I positively encourage it ? I need user feedback. But you went beyond that when you said to finchd ?You?d better not hold your breath? (for Gilly Sampson) as if you knew we never had any intention of publishing our many Gilly movies. But you didn?t know jack about us, our inventory or our intentions. You offered finchd an opinion. An opinion unsupported by any facts, but tainted by the poison of your pique at not finding your favorite bird on the site that day!

While it?s true that you never called me a charlatan you have very much implied it - suggesting that we had deliberately duped you in order to line our pockets with your hard earned money. You then went on to make vexations points about so called technical limitations that turn out to be the very same limitations that are features of many other websites with thriving memberships! Then you turned your attention to our material ? at first acknowledging its 90?s retro appeal - then a couple of sentences later deriding it by comparing it with modern "crystal clear" material shot over a decade later on a state of the art HDV cam! In short, you were out to slag our site down, and by extension, slag me down. But who are you to slag me down? I have a good name amongst the people here who know me personally (apart from being a gobshite). And then you come on here besmirching my good name amongst my friends and colleagues. Sir, I suggest you are out of order.

I was on the blower earlier this evening to colleagues in the States. They were mildly amazed at how well VideoAngels TV was doing (re: our membership) this early in the game. They predicted great things when the site shows up on US radar. I?ve already stated clearly and concisely how VideoAngels will proceed from here. I have stated that lessons have been learned from this episode and that VideaAngles will act on these lessons in the very near future. I have no more to add at this stage.

Since your short membership of VideoAngels has proved to be such traumatic experience, can we therefore take it that you will nevermore grace with your benevolent patronage? Will Big Bear never again bless our portals with his munificence and generosity of spirit? If so, then I fear this is a dark day indeed for our fledgling website.

Officer Dibble

Re: videoangels

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:15 am
by finchd
to officer dibble i am having problems downloading films only saves have of the film when right clicking and trying to save, downloaded the suggestion in earlier post no effect on it so what to do now?

Re: videoangels

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:13 am
by Officer Dibble
Hi finchd.

Yes, in my experience, they all stop halfway through. The solution is simply to restart or reinitiate the download from where it left off. I don't know which OS system or software you are using (I'm an Apple Mac man, myself) so I?m afraid I can't tell you precisely which buttons to press and in which order you need to press them to accomplish that. However, I reckon this free program might help -

Of course it could also be that there is a corrupt file problem with that particular file or files. The issue hasn?t raised it's head yet, but it is a possibility. If you state a particular movie or file you?re having difficulty with I'll try downloading it at my end and see if that's the case, and then we'll take it from there.

Officer Dibble

Re: Selective Memory OD

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:38 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Author: Simon
Date: 09-13-07 12:55

"All the models mentioned and the images that you see on the site are from actual Angel?s videos that will be published on the site in due course. I note that at the time of writing there are 55 movies and a total of 108 .wmv files."

But on the tour pages it states:
"The upshot is that VideoAngels has over 500 hours of unique classic British glamour girls movies.......VideoAngels TV are now offering you the chance to tune in and view this unique and fascinating repository of classic UK adult model movies right here, right now, on your computer in sumptuous WMV."

Why don't you just show on the tour the videos that are currently available inside for members?

"There was no intention to deceive, no sharp practice, no conspiracy."

By showing material that isn't available you're falsely advertising the product and deceiving people, whether you meant to or not.

"Or is he suggesting that we should spend a few years building the site and uploading all the content before we go live?"

He's not suggesting anything. He's simply expecting to see what he was promised on the tour pages. If you update the tour every time you add a new video people will know what to expect for their hard earned.

Re: videoangels

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:06 am
by plodder
I've had the same problem. Using Windows XP and IE halfway through I get an error message saying connection lost with server. However if I just restart the download it starts again from where it stops. This seems to happen with all the downloads, I've tried various ones, Kelly Sanger, Louise Hodges and Donna Warner, but the same happened with them all.

Other than that I like the site. Look forward to seeing some Wendy Cooper and Georgette Neale stuff.

Re: download manager

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:19 am
by Deuce Bigolo
I'd suggest downloading one of these
( although my own experience with freedownloadmanager isn't favourable)
Every computers system is different

Re:Constructive Critism

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:14 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
To be honest Dibble when i first saw your announcement I went for a peep
purely because of your exclusive tag which JJ always spoke about

What I found was a slow site to load(56kconnection)
A non-existant FAQ
A downloadable trailer(very good quality)but i wandered as to what was inside

Still left me asking questions?

Download speeds?broadband /dialup?
Duration of clips?
Who is actually featured inside?

I'm just thankful that someone of Simons Ilk has posted the obvious shortcomings of your venture

Re: videoangels

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:25 pm
by Officer Dibble
Yes, it's not a fault as such, simply the technical limitations of the interweb at this present time. I raised the issue with my US colleagues and they report that the clips download as smoothly as you like over there - but of course the server is on their doorstep. Anyhow, we are now actively looking at possible (affordable) solutions. In the meantime, as you say, all you need do is manually restart the download if it stops. If this is your niche and you dig our content, this minor hassle won't be a major issue.

I'll see if I can't fast track some Wendy (Phwooar! - She was a sort, wasn't she?) or Georgette material for you.

Officer Dibble

Re:Constructive Critism

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:43 pm
by Officer Dibble
"What I found was a slow site to load (56kconnection)"

Well it would be at 56K, wouldn't it? There's a simple solution - get broadband. That is what the site is optimised for. How you can expect to watch video on a 56k connection I don't know - it takes an eternity to download a photo at that speed. If it became apparent that there was a large demand for such an option we would of course look at providing smaller files - but does anyone really want to watch postage stamp sized video?

The FAQ is inside. That it would be useful to have a public version has now become apparent and we will implement one in due course.

Clip duration? Some are short self-contained clips that start at about 15 mins - ranging all the way up to full 90-minute movies that are divvied up into five or six individual files. Most are be somewhere in between.

Officer Dibble