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Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:05 pm
by Ned
Ben appears to have lost it just lately, so if it's cheeky boys having fun with lovely ladies you're after, why not give the Road Trips a go?

I'm going to.

That'll be my usual fee, delivered by an oiled young lady next Monday, Marino. ;-)

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 7:19 pm
by algarve addick
i have, but i still think Ben's product is of a superior quality overall, unfortunately

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:19 am
by Cjm
I would just like to add my thoughts to this thread. I obviously don't know either Ben or Marino but both always came across as decent guys during the scenes. Although Pascal is the 'bonking Belgian' and very good at it I always preferred the scenes with Marino. You always added a touch of comedy to the proceedings and imo helped to sell Ben's products. I will always like Ben Dover films but fear he may have lost his way especially as he seems to have gone more Americanised. It's such a shame that things turned out this way and after putting in so much hard work, you have been 'backstabbed'. I hope you two can work things out in the future and good look with the Road Trips Marino. I was a subscriber to your old Superdick website and the material on there was top notch.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 2:06 pm
by Pancho
Is a shame to see what has happened as I think they have both done superb things for the adult film market.

I like Ben's movies, always have done but Marino has featured in most of my favourite scenes. One of those being with Georgette Neale and "the woman who shall remain nameless"

I have to say I have stuck with Marino due to the points mentioned above since his movement away from Ben Dover. The Away Days take the best elements of the scenes from Ben and seem to be in complete Marino control - which is of course always a good thing.

If one good thing to come out of not working with Ben so much is that you forged your own niche with the away days well then I for one am happy to be honest. I have re-signed to the away days site twice now purely as support to the cause (and namely because Marino indulged in an act of kindness which I won't repeat on here for fear people will bombard him with mails. To him I assume it was a very simple gesture but it spoke volumes for the man in my eyes...)

I grew up with Ben and Marino from a highly porn addicted kid to an even more addicted grown man.

I doff my cap to you sir for all your work.

I do also think the Bonking Belgian is a top man, have always thought he was hilarious.

Best of luck to you Marino in your endeavours...

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:56 pm
by Alex
>>I do also think the Bonking Belgian is a top man, have always thought >>he was hilarious.

He may be a perfectly nice guy but it's just how he looks. I showed a picture of him to my rottweiler once and she cowered away in horror.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:22 pm
by Pancho
Call me crazy but I don't give a fuck what the majority look like. I'm only ever looking at their cocks pounding away anyway.

And there's a lot worse out there in my opinion...

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:31 pm
by Pancho

*holds hands up and puts pinny down*

I've been rumbled.

I have never been so proud as to when I saw my little Mario getting pissed on and slamming his cock into someones arsehole.

My how he's grown.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:16 pm
by Alex
>>Call me crazy but I don't give a fuck what the majority look like. I'm only >>ever looking at their cocks pounding away anyway.

True. But I still find if the bloke on the end of the cock looks like Dr Shipman it still tends to put me off a little.

Re: Ben Dover / Mario estrangement

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:24 pm
by algarve addick
And old Pascal looks kind of unhygienic somehow, which is a big turn-off to me!
Mario with his face covered in piss looks cleaner.