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Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:06 pm
by Snake Diamond
mrchapel wrote:

> You ever think that the internet isn`t such a great thing due
> to ignorant prickfucks being able to open their dumb
> cocksuckers and and spew forth whatever vents from the void in
> their head without a rebuttal? I mean what the fuck happened
> to courtesy and respect for other people and their feelings.

Brains, Intelligence & Manners... Something that seems to be lacking ahell of alot in modern society.

> Michelle shouldn`t have had to come here to defend her self or
> her site and she should feel able to post here without coming
> under heavy criticism.
> You don`t like her site or one of her movies? Fine, post about
> it if you feel the need but in civilised, non derogatory
> manner.

> Fuck! I`m ranting but it pisses me of that some people think
> because someone makes porn that they have stone skin and no
> feelings.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 5:54 pm
by steveb
Top girl, works hard, looks great, seriously talented at PERFORMING hot, enthusiastic sex and she sings!!!

There ARE jerks in this biz but she's not one of them.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:31 am
by BGAFD Admin
First things first - welcome to the forum, Michelle!

For the benefit of the more conspiratorial among you, Michelle and BGAFD have at no time had contact of any sort whatsoever prior to this post: not in person, by email, telephone, snail mail, semaphore signal or telepathy. And it would be rather perverse of us to afford privileged status to one of the few 'Name' models never to have appeared here (until now, that is). We have removed some of the posts that upset Michelle. Frankly, they should have been removed straight away. All we can do is hold our hands up and say that forum moderation is not a science - even if we do wear white coats!

Where objectionable posts are made about a particular model our policy is to remove them straight away. However, on occasion, where forumites have already weighed in with robust statements of support for the model concerned, it sometimes seems the right thing to allow the thread to remain up. This may no longer be appropriate if it sends out the wrong signal - i.e. that we don't intervene to protect models from abuse. There is also evidence that some individuals have taken to waging low-level trolling in the form of drip-drip campaigns against specific models. The posts taken individually do not amount to out-and-out abuse but over a period of time a negative atmosphere is generated which adversely affects the tone of the forums. This is not desirable and such instances will be dealt with as we see fit.

With regard to A-C's 'anonymous internet vacuum' - it's possible we did not act as quickly, or as sensitively, in relation to some of the comments about Michelle simply because she has never posted here. As A-C implies, it's easier to ignore the impact remarks can have upon someone if you've never had any contact with them. Michelle's post is a salutary reminder that not every model who reads the forums posts on them.

Cathy Barry and One Eyed Jack - both long time friends of BGAFD (we hope) - refer to models who are too afraid to post on BGAFD for fear of the negative comments they might attract. If true (and given that it's Cathy and Terry saying this, we don't doubt it) a couple of things need to be said, if only for the sake of context. We wouldn't like anyone reading this thread to be under the impression we have an 'anything goes' policy. Far from it...

We take our duty of care very seriously when it comes to moderating the forums. And that duty is especially important with regard to models who are, unlike most securely anonymous forumites, directly in the line of fire of anyone who has an 'issue' with them. Indeed some people seem to think they have a 'right' to say whatever they want, however they want, to whoever they want and woe betide anyone who dares to restrict their precious freedom of speech - especially when it comes to the public denigration of others. Consequently, we have edited and removed hundreds if not thousands of posts over the years in an attempt to create and maintain a pleasant atmosphere for the benefit of EVERYONE.

If there are models who are fearful of posting we may have failed in this aim to some extent but then, moderating BGAFD can be a tricky business... Unlike your average community site folks from every area of the industry, from the punter upwards, choose to post here. While this makes for a lively and informative environment it also attracts people with unsavoury agendas who seek to use BGAFD to act them out. Consequently, we end up editing and removing more posts than we would like. But if that's what it takes to keep things pleasant for the overwhelming majority of forumites who are here because they love the girls who post, it's okay by us.

To sum things up, we will moderate the forums in a manner that ensures models are happy to post here (yes, of course, constructive criticism will be allowed but necessarily, we will call things how we seem them). The bottom-line is, without the models who post here all we've got is a bunch of hairy-arsed blokes and there are a gazillion forums like that on the web already...

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:29 am
by sleepingboy
Well said Michelle!

I think a fair few posters forget that the object of their posts often read their comments, and as you say "we are only human!" so anything nasty is likely to cause offense.

I think though, if you were to do a search for your name on this forum you'd find that you have far more fans than critics, as this thread has proven.

You look great and are one of the best in the business, don't let the negative comments get you down & keep up the good work. I'm sure I speak for the vast majority of us here when I say we're looking forward to seeing you in action again soon.

Re: michelle thorne here

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:11 pm
by michelle thorne
Hi Stewart 100 just to let you know I have never been on to msn so I guess you were trying to talk to someone else but It most definately was not me.