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Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:24 pm
by Cenobitez
Well on the crashing, it maybe the script is so old it cant handle modern day use, i mean can imagine a 1950s car drag racing ?

It could also be on a low end server.

Re: Subject [re: vila]

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:53 am
by mart
It does help if posters use the threaded view system properly, clicking on the "Reply to this message". Its amazing how many don't.


Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:16 am
by mart
I wonder how many of us over40 year-olds you have managed to insult?


Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:07 am
by Cenobitez
Tricky, I hate to break it to ya bud, if you knew as much as you try to make it sound like you know, then the question of changing to another forum wouldn't even come up.

Database conversion should be reletively simple to PHPBB, XMB and Mambo as well as several others, especially the open source community as they LOVE a challange, IF you asked say Nibbler from CPG for a bridge between this forum and CPG i'd bet you within a few days he would have something back for you and would go thru bug testing the lot, the same of PHPBB.

The server load MAY increase BUT it may DECREASE because the code that runs this site Maybe OLD and innefficient causing it to have a higher load than a newer more efficient forum.

You also use the word 'created' too loosely, I HAVE created forums, written in and Perl, Created means WROTE when used in the sentance you used, however you did say installed so maybe its a mistake.

I have CREATED as in wrote, a few forums from scratch as well as half a dozen other types of forum like Guest Books which i have upgraded gradually into forums, Installed maybe 100 forums, including Multi-Forum setups like the Free PHPBB hosts use, by hand not only using the fancy installers you get now, as well as forums like UBB, Phorum, XMB, IPB and half dozen more, as well CMS's and god knows what else i've installed, along with manual updates, mods, bug fixes and god knows what else.

Maybe they dont have the know how, which majority of people wouldnt, I still hear people say "people hacked my site using the CGI" or "Yeah i program in CGI", or some other totally inaccurate statements, so expecting them to the ins and outs of a RDBMS and converting programs that use a database, i may as well ask you to explain where amelia earhart went.

Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:04 pm
by lukeolson
Deuce Bigolo wrote:

> Forget about convincing the 'stick in mud luddite forumites'
> like myself about the perceived benefits of upgrading
> We don't have a say one way or the other
> Its the 3 wise Moderators you need to be convincing
> Good luck as me thinks you gonna need it ;-)
> cheers
> B....OZ

Why don't we have a poll?

Oh shit, wait, the forum script can't do polls uh? :-)

Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:51 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Its always been a matter of priorities and the database's() & their Film Listings have always come first

I'm sure if this forum wasn't attached to the database you'd get your new forum with all its bells & whistles but as one of the big 3 once said,

"If only their were 26 hours in a day"

and I'd add,an army of qualified helpers who'd work for free

I'm sure they have a list of suggestions from forumites of how to improve the forum but like everything it takes time

Its taken 5+ years to get to this point which given the size of the database is no mean feat

If I recall some mention of an upgrade the forums was talked about a long time ago to make moderating them easier but it wasn't a priority compared to other issues at the time


Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:27 pm
by Tricky

Never realised such a small comment would provoke a big response...actually i did and yes it was meant to insult; insult the ones that do not move with the times.

As for cen: yes I have wrote, written, debugged, installed, modded, upgrade etc etc but saw little point in confusing the confusable.

Personally i think this forum should operate on a seperate database and server to the main databse of listings. this way if one goes down the other stays up. The forum could then be used to explain whats happened etc...

I said the switch would not be easy as its not. To think yourself so fantastic you can find the solution in an hour would be beyond me and so i personally think it best described as not easy. Yes the mass of open source software developers and the associated forums and support could find a solution but wether they get access to the database and script its using is another matter.

Anyways the point is kind of moot as I contacted the guys runnign this place a while back and suggested the move over to newer forum software. I can not remember the compelte outcome but am sure lack of time came into it.

Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:24 am
by mart
Trickey said "Never realised such a small comment would provoke a big response...actually i did and yes it was meant to insult; insult the ones that do not move with the times."

Do you realise exactly how insulting you are? Who are the ones who do not move with the times? The Moderators/Founders of this Forum?
You are very lucky that they are moderate people, if it was up to me you would be booted off this forum for such snide patronising remarks.


Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:55 am
by Joe A
Well said Mart :)

From a stuck in the anals of time well over 40 subscriber... LOL

By the way.. does anyone know about these new fangled camera's that can take a pic without using film ? I understand that some form of chip is used instead.. Being so old and past it, I don't know much about all this new terchnology..

Anyway gotta go as my old steam driven pc needs topping up with more coal and water....

Re: Is BGAFD ever going to get a 'proper' forum?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:40 pm
by mart
Steam driven, you are lucky Joe. I'm still using water-power and its a dry Summer down here.
