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Re: Any parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:28 pm
by Phil mCc
My son is 20 and knows everything I have done, he is running our front office now, He has always known but we stayed within the law by keeping all adult content out his way till he was 18, but we never made a big deal out of it , he prefferd playstation to porn and he still does anyway.
These production houses are fuckin arseholes if I suggested what she did, I would lock myself up, they are the kind of idiots the BBFC employ,,,,,no luvvies it will be arty.... how would she know, I wanna make a doco on them how they ruin peoples lives with their sicko ideas,

Phil McC

Re: Any parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:28 pm
by Charlotte
Thank you for discussing this with me, it's really useful for us to think how it might be possible in reality (if at all!)

Also, thanks for letting me know another company had approached you, I hadn't realised people have pitched a project like this before.

It is an almost impossible remit, it's true. There would have to be solid agreements made before actual production that were agreed by the Ch4 commissioning editor, since that can be where things go radically wrong. Would it help in any way (if indeed there are older teens out there who were appropriate and willing to make the film) if (as was mentioned earlier in the thread) there was someone from the industry there nominated as a representative to consult on the production or Associate Produce and ensure the end result lives up to the expectations and promises?

Re: Any parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:41 pm
by James not Bond
'A female adult industry director had suggested this site as a possible source of professionals'

Yes, we are professional, the idiot that came up with this sick idea certainly isn't.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:45 pm
by Charlotte
We DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANY NUDITY, NOR ANY PORN. We do not want to see any sex.

Did anyone see the programme about young people whose parents were divorcing, filmed by the young people themselves? It was mostly video diary and it was a very beautiful and simple film. It was a straight-forward, young person's eye view of a complex adult subject. This is what we're aiming at.

When someone said his son is more interested in play station than porn, THAT's EXACTLY the kind of insight and non-stereotypical detail we would be hoping for.

Please understand this is for education it's trying to get people to widen their perspectives. All the detials about government restrictions and public and media hypocrisy are the kind aspects we want to explore.

I don't know a great deal about your industry so I can't expect you to not question my motives or intentions. But please don't judge me by other people's standards.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:21 pm
by Cerberus
Charlotte, do a search using the forum search tool. Use "CH4 Documentary" as your keywords. Maybe then you'll see why people are so helpful.
As for my opinion......I agree with all the sentiments shown above, any connection between teenagers & the industry will only be viewed as yet another stick to beat us with.


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:21 pm
by BillBXD
It might take a while but you will eventually get the message that this forum may not be the best place to find the fools you require but then again I'm forgetting myself and you have probably already been mailed by those who enjoy starring in such tv.

If you can promise dialog with the director they'll even hire in some children just to qualify!

Bill (BXD)

Re: Any parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:36 pm
by James not Bond

Our track record is with Channel 4, who are particularly interested in documentaries with a sense of authorial voice behind them - edgy, newsworthy subjects which will stand out in the schedules.'

From angeleye website.

'Our remit is to do this from a teens perspective.'

From a posting Charlotte made earlier.

Which one is it Charlotte?

Re: Any parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:44 pm
by bigboy
journalists, lawyers, big boat, big fooking hole in boat, happy world ;-)

Re: Any fucked up parents out there?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:21 pm
by jimslip
Firstly Charlotte, you insult all of us by even posting such a sleazy, disgusting request in fact it borders on incitment to abuse, you should be ashamed of yourself.

But let me just double-check , you're suggesting that if you're a pornstar, you hand a camcorder to your son or daughter saying, "Ok Princess, all you gotta do is start filming, yeah thats it, now here's the lube, yeah thats what I stick up girls bums before I shag'em, oh, yeah, mustn't forget my HIV cert, this shows I ain't got AIDS like and da pox. Now lets see who I'm shagging to-day, wow", Looks at pic of gorgeous porn-starlet, "Look darling, this wot I get to fuck, if she'll 'ave me..............but don't tell yer mum!" and so on....

Can I suggest Charlotte that you all go back to Quaglino's and re-think this one!
Here's a free idea (and I haven't even got a media studies degree or studied at Cambridge) take your crap idea and apply it to a firm of undertakers, much more interesting................but oops, they'll be no tits and sorry! But I'm sure you could still humiliate, expose and ruin someone's life all the same, after all that's your job. You lot make US look squeaky clean, you should all hang your heads in shame.