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Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:15 pm
by Heathray
A cartel springs to mind. It is a bit like Mercedes taking over most of their UK franchises, as they did a while back, to hold the second hand values and fix trade ins so all dealers offer you the same value, or in real terms lack of value.

Our local Private Shop is run by a pure 24 carat twat. He does not offer refunds if good are faulty and requires DNA samples and the presence of your great great grandparents before he will trade in a film your bought the previous month!

His type keep the industry looking sleazy even though most people I work or relax with are not remotely offended by porn.

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:54 pm
by Officer Dibble
I discussed this very issue with Anna Kieran (Chairlady Of the ATA Video Committee) round at Hot Rod last year. She seemed exercised that the ungrateful British public were using the internet to bypass her firm's (crap) releases and order whatever they dam well pleased over the internet ? after she had gone and shelled out for a licence! She was miffed that in some instances punters preferred to buy the American NTSC versions of the films she had bought the British rights to. She was also miffed that British entrepreneurs were setting up offshore DVD retail websites and promoting them in UK publications - circumventing her Hot Rod monopoly! The nerve of these people ? of course all UK buyers should be buying their adult videos from Hot Rod and it?s retailers, and she was going to stir the legal and regulatory pot to see that these competitor upstarts were shut down.

I said, ?Hey, chill out. In one breath your talking about advancing the cause of porn in the UK, and in the other, your saying that it should only advance though Hot Rod Productions! What your saying is that you want the market to yourself and you want the state to do your dirty work and put any UK competitors out of business.? But she could not seem to see the reality of what she was suggesting. So, what I said is ?Look, what you should be doing is working to get rid of all this bullshit licensing bollocks and let whoever wants to stock adult films ? be they petrol stations, newsagents, or kebab shops, do so, and let the market decide. This would open up a huge amount of retail opportunities and then it wouldn?t matter if some Brits preferred to buy stuff from aboard, there would be enough opportunity for everyone.?

But she didn?t seem to see it my way and was content to work within the bullshit framework set by poncy politicians and regulatory bodies ? i.e. all the bollocks about who you can sell to, what you can sell and where you can sell it.

If you?re pissed at these self serving fuckers who want the state to put artificial controls on adult commerce just to suit their own bottom line, then don?t stand for it. Boycott the shops and buy all your gear from Europe, the US and ?Dave? the doggy geezer down the boot sale. That?ll fuck ?em.

Officer Dibble

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:27 pm
by joe king
I've got to file this under 'Officer talks some sense' at last!

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:14 pm
by RED
Just trying to kill two birds with one stone! In this small world the Yanks are on the same subject bless em. . .Adult DVD Forum and hopefully James not Bond can add this to his list of Forums

Love and Kisses


Red Hot and Horny

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:01 pm
by Paul Tavener
Yes VOD is here now but it's not cheap, most people in the street havn't heard of it, fewer still can recieve it and the selection available is very limited. Over the next five years that will slowly change as we get more broadband users running on faster services and the cost of both storage and bandwidth falls further still.

On the otherhand we will also have a new battle on our hands. I predict that the Ofcom's of this world will not be content to let people watch what they want - the new market will have to be "regulated". The have no remit for this at the moment - but watch this space they will try. By the time all this kicks off sex shops will have plenty of competion.

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:32 pm
by JP
Agree with everything Dibble states. It really pisses me off that sex shop owners think punters owe them a living and we should by from British companies. These are the same companies that until a few years ago would charge you ?50 for a video of absolute rubbish, some scans or whatever that were basically a rip off. Then along come companies such as Fivestar and Jaded and the Internet age and hey presto you can get original DVDs from about a fiver upwards, delivered in days no hassle. I mentioned some time ago that Brit porn was dead and the Industry was toiling as they refused to lower their charges and was flamed for it, people came on wailing that I didn't know what I was talking about and that Brit porn was priced at a premium because it was beter quality that the US porn, absolute crap, too many of the brit industry have lost sight of what the ordinary punter wants and are up their own arse most of the time.

It's the old market forces edict, if your product is good enought and is competitively priced people will buy it, if not they won't and will buy elsewhere, when will the Brit industry learn.

JP (rant over)

It's a wank don't rush it.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:36 pm
by big red
Anna is alleged to have said that she would pay for all blockbuster stores to be licenced if they hired only her films!

She then sits on the aita surely a conflict of interest.

I run 2 adult shops and retail films from ?19.99 to a maximum of ?24.99 across the road the dwarf wanted ?40+ until I opened.

I have to pay thousands a year in local authority fees plus rates, wages, leases etc but why don't you all piss off and buy it from some pirate at a boot fair who buys one copy and then copies thousands at less than the production companies can make them for.

You lot make me sick your the first arses to bleat when some mail order company cashes your check and does a runner but rather than support the legitemate companies and pay a few dollars more you onanists would settle for a crap copy and enjoy a cheap wank.

Next time you settle down intent on keeping your ankles warm for 20 minutes make sure you've supported the production companies by buying a legitimate copy.

Or save a few quid and when all the small production companies have gone bust you can slink back to the dwarf and watch his overpriced 60 minute yank imports.

I'll see you all at erotica if there is anything I've said with which you would like to take issue.

Not popular perhaps but I have the courage of my conviction how about you?

Re: The Adult Industry Trade Association are scum.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:11 pm
by crofter
But surely anybody with an internet connection, credit card and a dash of common sense shouldn?t give a toss about what the R18 scene is or is not going to be, let?s face it if you have said requisites you can and will buy from abroad anyway, which is where we should all be happy we are basically allowed to import movies without fear of them being stolen by customs as up to the R18 law you were in the lap of the gods what you got and if you got them, FWIW as mentioned before Porn on Sat will become a big feature, and for those willing to seek out the channels they are out there, but basically all the major players will want there pound of flesh before they appear on Sky Digital and when it does appear you can guarantee the low quality of entertainment.