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Re: Movie!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:14 am
by claire
a question....if you got to your local nhs for the tests do you get a certificate like you do at the london clinics?????

Re: Movie!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:48 am
by mark cremona
just go ahead and make it instead of talking about it and make us all green with envy.

btw, have you thought about distribution? I assume you will edit, author and master your own product so a distributor will do a deal either on the rights or per unit, the movie will need to be minimum 5 scenes or 2 hours to make it value for money to a distributor, that means its gonna cost you the best part of a couple of grand to make, the best deal you can hope for with international distribution but no 'Name" branding (IE: you are an unknown) is 5 euros per unit and that is a LOT for a distributor, if he has to make the duplication costs of the DVD's then you will be looking closer to 3 Euros a DVD. If you do the maths on sales then you will see that you will have to sell a shitload of units to break even and with the market utterly saturated with product right now and most of it rubbish only the established names are turning a profit albeit a small one, so dont knock Messrs Marino and Mr Perry et al as they blazed the trail for the tadpoles like you and me ....

Re: Movie!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:56 am
by andy ide
Magicpants, you might want to consider the route of the satellite channels. You'd just need to do one scene for them -- if they liked it they might buy it from you and maybe commission more, plus give you tips about how you could improve. I do stuff for TVX (and they're actually the only guys I can vouch for) and that's how I started. They didn't actually buy my first effort but they did give me some dosh to go out and do another scene and it continued from there. And I got my money back on my first shoot because I did two scenes with the same models, one soft, one hard, and sold the hard to Your Choice for their Viewers Wives series. Baby steps, mate -- look how you can spend the least money without ripping anyone off in order to move forward.

Re: Movie!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:01 am
by andy ide
I should add that I got over the odds from Your Choice because my scene won Best Wife of the Month or something and I got a bonus payment for it but the basic idea here is to work out in advance how you're going to try and break even.

Re: Apples and Oranges

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:27 am
by steveuk
I think the schoolgirl thing is a bit overdone.

You see nurses less often because all the medical props cost too much so you be up against less "stiff" competition!

Re: Movie!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:32 am
by steveuk
Do they still commission (or not) based on a single episode? I though you had to have your entire series in the can these day?

Re: Movie and Budget

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:53 am
by Jonboy
Hi Magic,
Movie making is an expensive business. The guys in the other posting have talked about the costs. We had a program in Germany on about the Adult world and a guy who had tried to get in and failed was interviewed This is the basics.
The guy was about thirty five, graduate in Photography and film, worked for one of the TV Channels then set up on his own, making information videos for companies.
He then decided to go into the Adult business, shooting stills for the web, now to me this seemed a sideline to his main area of work.
He then decided to move into the video market, set up a budget and a business plan.
Shoot seven scenes in both hard and soft and digital stills. To save money he hired lights and equipment , borrowed friends apartments and filmed it. He then had the results professionally edited and then tried to sell the package.
For the lot he got Euros 4,700.00 but the cost to get the product to saleable level was over Euro 11,000.00 that?s one very expensive mistake to make.Go to Archives, some time in the past John Mason gave his figures for making a video and they were higher than that.
You have been offered help from Claire and for the other models you will need, you have Jason at JFT and Michelle at Magic Models, both posters here. If you want to get into the industry good luck, but be realistic as to the fact you will probably lose money.
Also the programme was on N24 this is usually repeated Sunday Night /Monday Morning about 3.00 am German time

Re: Movie and Budget

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:52 am
by steveuk
People are making money at this, I don't think all the producers are multi-millionaires looking for ways to fritter away their cash.

But it's not easy. Anyone with a camcorder and social life can make porn. Not necessarily GOOD porn, but still porn.

If you want a hobby that returns some of the money you spend then porn is good choice. If you want to build a business you need capital; either from investors or from a day job.

Selling a single tape to a company is difficult, what distributors are looking for is volume. It's easier to sell six tapes than one, and if you have six tapes and and are making more, can guarentee a tape(or two) every month then you can get an output deal and build a solid business.

Does everyone agree with this or am I talking shite?