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Re: adele stephens hc link....whats the point?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 3:50 pm
by Ben Dover
Nail, head, etc. I've been saying this for 20 years nearly. If you have made the decision to do pics with a guy in the same shot even, do they think any future 'boyfriend' who sees them down the line is going to think any different to what they might think he'll think if it was 'full on' hardcore? Does that make sense? "No no you're quite right darling you never did hardcore boy girl. See here, the chap's hard throbbing cock [which I know because you told me, you had NO 'hand' in helping him achieve] is quite clearly 0.5 of a millimetre from your wide open mouth". In the name of God's briefcase if you're worried who might see the stuff years down the line, don't do it in the first fucking place. If someone you may meet later in life is going to dissapprove, they're going to whatever you did, no matter what. And, if they do you should tell them to fuck off pretty damn sharpish. Here endeth the first lesson of porn.

Re: adele stephens hc link....whats the point?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 4:11 pm
by NeilUK
What an honour to be replying to the great man. I agree with everything you said. I think in Adele's case it was more what she was comfortable with that made her unsure about hardcore. I don't think she was worried in the sightest about what any potential boyfriend might think. She just was concerned with what she was happy with doing. She told me that she did it and moved on and that was that.

Can I also say Ben thanks for all you have done, especially the scene with Linda Leigh. I cannot thank you enough for the Linda scene!! Also Amanda the mechanic Oh and Claire ********* !! Long may you continue producing the best material in the Adult market. No one compares. And I don't mean to sound sickophantic, its just the truth



P.s. If you ever want to use my idea for a title "Star Sex The Next Penetration" its all yours.

Re: Point is fantasy

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 1:09 pm
by jj
It's the one titles 'Kimberley' on her page.
Google 'Private Performance Video', and you should get a site which claims to do wholesale only, but redirects you to a retail site in the US.
Not cheap, but they do PAL transfers, and it may be on disc by now: this was quite a while ago.
Deuce or someone may have more recent info on buying, or try some of the larger US retail outfits.