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Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 6:12 am
by Richard

This was a mistake in our prossess that was only highlighted last night when this happended to a number of people.

Please email me off list - and I will ensure you have Climax3 by this evening.


Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 6:19 am
by Richard

We have indeed had a technical problem over the last couple of days with Splat - this has been sorted out now, and I assured that you should be receiving your regular service again.

Please feel free in future to email me direct if you lose service - and then I can go and put the pressure on to make sure it is top of the fix list.


Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 6:32 am
by Cosine
'In relation to your comments about the recent programming policy by all the adult channels ... you dont have all the information by any stretch of the imagination.'

So how about providing us with the information then Richard?

Like many I'm confused by the move back to less explicit progranmming and would certainly appreciate an explanation. Since my emails have been ignored and since your organisation has appeared totally unwilling until now to communicare with unhappy viewers I 'm sure you can understand those of us who feel reluctant at this time to give you any more money.

Cheers, Mike.

Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:28 am
by Ben Dover
First rule of porn Richard - get a sense of humour!! Er, I think everyone is aware of the irony concerning my name; that was kind of the point when I thought it up!! I'm more than willing to stand corrected on the programming point, so I would hope to be furnished with a simple yes or no answer to the question; did you or did you not programme in hardcore content in your recent output, presumably knowing that under the current regulations such action was illegal, and in doing so jeopardised the whole notion that Ofcom might have been amenable to the idea of cable channels showing full hardcore in the not too distant future? Apparantly some station called Explicit, who I admit I've never heard of, were the worst 'offenders' in this regard, but I'm reliably informed by the good people of this very forum that you also participated in this ludicrous game with the authorities. I charge you now members of the jury, to decide ...... oops! sorry got carried away there. As to your advertising in my magazines; I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!!! I rest my case M'lud, and I give leave to my learned friend the counsel for the defence Ms Sarah Young to continue after lunch, after the judge has given her a good rogering in the wig room!!

Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:22 pm
by Richard - I will go and make some calls now - I assume you have had it for a while and are on the Irdeto system?

Re: I can't help myself

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 3:50 pm
by Heathray
While we have your attention Richard why the chuff have you gone soft?

I read a variety of papers, from The Telegraph thru local press to the Mail on Sunday and not one iota of comment about you showing stronger content.

Why the backward step? I hope it wasn't a deliberate ploy to boost subscribers? If so you will pay big time when people like me cancel.

Also please can you look at your content. Spice TV is a waste of programming time, the shows being cheap an highly unerotic.

Also British Babe Hour is way out of date, the Jo Guest Footage must be 9 years old and very tame.

Give the public what they want and test the waters with Ofcom instead of playing safe.

Re: New Channel's Launched Today

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:26 pm
by vila
Irdeto. It was off Friday, Saturday and Sunday - back on Monday.


Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:11 pm
by Redman
cant seem to be able to access the member section, could you mail any pointers for me (the members section is not a clickable link)