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Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:08 am
by Peter Woods
Hi Kim, I don't have this month's ETO but I've got a fair idea as to what's been happening.

I've not heard/read anything about "new laws to stop R18's being sent through the post", though. Any chance of summarising what was written ?


Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 1:43 pm
by Riley
"There have been cases where the terms of a sex shop license allow for mail-order supply"

The Prime Time R18 license was issued via the high court in London on appeal and guess what it states "For the purpose of mail ordering adult BBFC R18 cerificated video" didn't stop them getting nicked tho.

So a legally issued R18 license that has been renewed year after year with same wording and yet it is illegal....!!! work that one out. The law my ass, is an ass, up their ass anyone will do I suppose. It is somewhat frustrating for those two guy's at Prime Time especially for what they have done over the years to get adult entertainment to the level it is

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 9:06 pm
by Cosine

Thanks to yourself and others for the information.

It's certainly ridiculous when Prime Time get done but an advert in 'The Sun' (Sat) offers '3 Full Length Triple X Action Films ' all 'grouped on one tape', ( one X for each film?), on the understanding they are 'agent purchased through a licensed sex shop'.
I assume these aren't XXX videos being offered/delivered so it seems: Offer R18 for sale you're done, send R18 from within the uk you're done - get a misleading advert printed in a national newspaper apparently offering XXX and deliver 18 cert and you're fine. What was that you said about the law - you might care to include Trading Standards!

Time to get back to the lesbian nuns on the Horror Channel :)

Thanks again

Cheers, Mike.

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 6:04 am
by Riley
'agent purchased through a licensed sex shop'

I have seen this style of advertising before and when you read the small print once you have paid for the goods you have to go and collect them from the companies nearest licensed sex shop outlet, ok if it is a few doors away and not 150 miles.

Be interesting to see the style of advertising now and claims of hardcore strength of BBFC 18 programmes 'It moves, It walks, It talks and It f***S all in full XXX action' but not on the mail order copy we forgot to say! Two steps forward three back 'Good Old Blighty'

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 6:28 am
by DavidS
So what are the alternatives now for people who either have no licenced shop within reasonable travelling distance or, as is the case with me, only one which has an extremely poor selection, due to the owner being in virtual permanent dispute with most suppliers?

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 7:26 am
by videokim
Hi DavidS

As i said in a earlier thread things have been put back 10yrs so it could be under the counter films for a lot of people who don't have easy access to legal shops.


Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 7:43 am
by DavidS
Thank you, Kim. I am sure you are right, but it is a shame. A lot of punters were happy with the 18R system as they don't want the extreme stuff which certificates were refused for. I have to say that I am far from clear what legislation controls the supply of R18's. My understanding is that it is accepted that if BBFC issue any certificate, the film is not obscene within the meaning of the Obscene Publications Act, 1959, i.e. it does not deprave or corrupt.

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:27 am
by Officer Dibble
Have you forgotten the time-honoured institution called 'mail order?' Hook up with a decent company and they'll filter out all the shite and dross and just present you with a limited, but comprehensible, choice of the most interesting, relevant and tasteful shagging movies available. Your not missing much not having a sex shop on the end of your street. The big ones do carry a huge selection nowadays but their movies all look the same, they all appear to be recent American gonzo, or it's derivatives, even the British ones. Yuk-a-rama! I made my excuses and left.

Officer D

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:56 am
by Peter Woods
Hi DavidS,

The law that governs all videos (and DVDs,VCDs, etc) is called the Video Recordings Act (1984) and it requires that all non-exempt videos are examined by a government-appointed body (the BBFC) before being distributed. The Act provides for a special category (i.e. R18) for which special measures must be taken to keep them away from general circulation (so they can't be sold openly in Woolworth's, for example).

When the BBFC revised their guidelines in 2000 (which they were forced to, following a High Court judgement), they decided to go as far as they could within the bounds of the various laws, including the Obscene Publications Act. The BBFC discussed how far they could go with the CPS, who advised them not to allow some of the more "exotic" acts, such as fisting and pissing or shitting in a sexual context.

Following the change in the BBFC guidelines, Customs changed their policy to allow R18-strength material through. My understanding is that the police and CPS would not now attempt to bring charges under the Obscene Publications Act for R18s.

The upshot of all this is that the R18 certificate is a sort of "kite-mark", in that it's a guarantee of hardcore content. It's also a form of protection from prosecution or seizure.

These cases won't stop people trying to obtain R18-strength material via mail-order but since UK suppliers are now extremely cautious about mail-order, customers are more likely to order from overseas companies that supply stronger material. This is a bad situation for everone from the UK, because those in the industry will lose out to foreign companies (who can't be touched by UK Trading Standards) and customers lose the protection that the R18 classification offered, increasing the risk of Customs seizure or, possibly, prosecution.

Re: R18 - still legal to import?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:12 am
by DavidS
Thank you Dibble. I asked the question because this whole thread is about probable difficulties in obtaining R18 by mail order in future. Nevertheless you are 100% correct about the amount of American gonzo crap for sale with R18 certification in sex shops. I do use mail order, from a foreign company outside the EU, their customer care is excellent. However mail order can be a pain, only yesterday I received a dvd which was American silicone enhanced crap, not the German one that I had ordered. I have little doubt they will sort it out but it's still aggravation. I often wonder why it is considered only sex shop workers can be entrusted to sell these films to the public. Perhaps they are so well trained that they can spot someone who will be 'damaged' by viewing one a mile off. I think not.