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Re: bendover

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 4:30 pm
by joannajet
Hi Spiggly,

Please accept my apology, my previous post was in error. It was not you but NOBBY who brought the TS element into the debate.

Once again, sorry for my misfire.


Joanna Jet

Re: bendover

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 4:33 pm
by spigly
I am sorry but you are mistaken, I did not mention anyones gender until my last post, you are mixing me up with NOBBY, All I am interested in is getting a fair retun for a subscription,you should have no problem with that I hope.

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:10 am
by Marino
Okay before this goes completely astray, Joanna was only trying to help, a I will give Ben a call today and inform him, I did speak to him last week, and he had his computer guy round, since his recent relocation I know he had trouble getting back on line from his office, I am sure any problems in his web site are purely due to his move. The weather has been far too bad to be driving around in his ferrari and neglect his fans.

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:51 am
Hi Joannajet,

Firstly if i have in any wayoffended you then i am sincerely sorry and appologise unreservedly, however please look at it from my point of view for a moment.

Re; Yourself and possible inclusion to the BGAFD.

Rightly or wrongly your TS Status was not made clear, and it seems my assumption was wrong. Even if you status was as i thought it may be i feel you should not be included in this category, I AM NOT AGAINST TRANSEXUALS. I do feel however that as some contributors have mentioned a 3rd Sex Gender may be applicable? and this should be included within the BGAFD Database. There must however be a clear distinction regarding gender made. As i assume you are british and seemingly contribute in whatever respect to the Adult Industry you are entitled to promotion and a voice. On reflection my terminology and wording was inappropriate, i do however stand by the spirit of my view.

Re; Ben

Your post was sickly in the extreme and although i like Bens work, his contact and response to the general public leaves a great deal to be desired (non reply to E-mail posted on here ect). And this is exactly why ordinary people would readily slag off someone who does not take care of business. I have found when you work for yourself you only need one customer to have a bad experience of your company and that one will then tell a further six what a CRAP Service they received?.

Anyway hope this puts things straight.

Look Forward, to seeing a few pics of you Aston Mrtin DB7


Re: bendover O/T

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:01 am
by jj
Nobby, being pleasant, lucid and conciliatory?

Not sure I can cope with this...... ;-))

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:44 am
by Marino
Due to the internet and this wonderful, stars like Ben have become more accessible, however it is not laziness that would stop him replying to all the emails, but somedays he'll get something loike 150 emails to deal with , plus work related problems, so it is not always possible to remain good old uncle ben.

However is is stuck in his ways and a well structured game plan slagging him off, should be the encouragement to get him out in public a bit more.

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:10 am
by spigly
Hi Marino
I started all this off enquiring about slow or lack of updates over the last couple of months on Bendover .com.
With regards to Ben getting 150 e-mails, he certainly does not get them from the afor mentioned site,as there is no provision to e-mail him on the site, except for a messageboard,which is also not very active, I appreciate that everyone can have problems from time to time ,but when I joined the site there was no mention of any problems,my money was accepted with no problem.

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:36 am
by Marino
Then I am with you spigly, lets get that old miser ben and get your casj back, i will call him now to alert him of the problem mentioned

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:46 am
by spigly
I am not after a refund after all I have used the site and seen all that is on it. It was just the fact that it had gone dormant, and nothing was happening.

Re: bendover

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:48 am
Hi Marino,

Thanks for your reply.

Look i was not having a go at Ben in person and i can fully appreciate what sort of Business/Personal/Private commitments he may have, however i can see this (ie Bens Reputation and His Brand) really going tits up.

As spigly rightly says they/he are more than willing to take your money, but his website ain't delivering. Now currently Ben's persona as i see it is Highly thought of and good, but can all too quickly go the other way from Hero to Villain?.

I understand entirely the fact he has a lot of correspondence but this is the most important link with the people who really count, the customer!!!!. He could surely delegate some of his workload.

I hope things do get sorted soon.