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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 9:34 am
by m100
Meanwhile old nige is seeing 30% of little more than 37% of those eligible to vote as a major victory. The dickhead doesn't realise that is his hardcore vote and disgruntled tories. A second referendum would be a minimum of 35-65 in favour of remain. They keep bleating about the will of the people well the people don't want brexit, the right wing lies have been well and truly busted so if they've any balls at all give it a second referendum.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 2:24 pm
by spider
Even starting from the 52/48 result in 2016, it only takes one leave voter in twenty-five to change their vote to remain to wipe out the leave majority.

If only one leave voter in twelve changed their vote to remain to reverse the result to 48/52.

No wonder Brexshiters don't want another referendum.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 5:02 pm
by m100
After all votes counted:

Anti brexit parties 40.4%

Brexit/UKIP 34.9

tories 9.1

labour 14.1

Oh dear Nigel.

I love the fact that he clearly believes he's going to be Prime Minister now. Let's ignore the first past the post constituency hurdle and go straight to westminister. In no known universe is he going to have a majority or even anything remotely close to one so which party does he think would go into coalition with him?

Answers on a postcard please to Mr Nigel Farage, Chief Clown, Brexit Circus, Nowheresville.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 1:27 am
by a m playlist
m100 wrote:

> After all votes counted:
> Anti brexit parties 40.4%
> Brexit/UKIP 34.9
> tories 9.1
> labour 14.1
> Oh dear Nigel.
> I love the fact that he clearly believes he's going to be Prime
> Minister now. Let's ignore the first past the post constituency
> hurdle and go straight to westminister. In no known universe is
> he going to have a majority or even anything remotely close to
> one so which party does he think would go into coalition with
> him?
> Answers on a postcard please to Mr Nigel Farage, Chief Clown,
> Brexit Circus, Nowheresville.

As far as I'm aware, the Tories and the Labour leadership are still committed at this present stage to honouring in some way the 2016 Brexit result, so I should have thought technically they are pro-Brexit parties.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 4:34 am
by m100
That's not about the parties it's about the voters. Tories and Labour are left out of the main calculation because no one knows which way their supporters would vote if forced to decide again.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:37 am
by m100
There's approx 48 million registered to vote, 37% turnout, brexit party got 32% of that turnout which equates to around one ninth of the registered voters and that is their dedicated fanbase. if they weren't willing to go ut and vote when they are as pissed off that brexit hasn't been delivered as they claim they are then god help farage.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 3:57 pm
by spider
I've just worked that out. It's 5.7 million.

Where's this 17.4 million I keep hearing voted to leave (leave means leave) in 2016?

Have they all got cold feet now they can see the reality of what they were voting for?
