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Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:06 am
by KennySue
Or, if you perfer, Tena Koutou Katoa.

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:14 pm
by Pervert
Respect to Anjali for her post on the main forum. I hope it stops this constant sniping, but I do get the impression some folk are looking at companies like football teams, and are praising theirs to the detriment of all others.

Then we have Ms Ice's crie de coeur on the promo forum. Greeted so far with one message of support, one thing I won't comment on, and the usual crap from our resident 14-year-old (who is emailing HH once again).

There is at least one troll at work on this site, in my humble opinion. He provokes us with ridiculous posts and we react each time. The best piece of advice I ever got here was simple (but not always easy to follow):

Do not feed the trolls.

So Really To anyone who might feel the need to respond to the self-styled poster boy of one particular faction, I'd say don't bother. Ignore him. That will piss him off more than any amount of dissecting his comments ever could.

Wazza, Sam----ignore what appears to be an easy target. It's easy for a reason, to cause discord and perpetuate his sense of his own importance.

Just some advice. Feel free to discard.

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:58 pm
by Sam Slater
Good day Carac,

Good advice.....

I told Wazza to keep this side of the forums, yesterday. The guy who's spreading rumours about Isabel is a nutter from what I can gather. I even replied with the odd sarcastic comment, but it wen't over his head. Never mind.

It's going to rain soon.........

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:31 pm
by Sam Slater
Where's TBT lately?

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:12 pm
by harmonyhex
im a sleepy girl tonight. anyone offer to read me a bedtime story?

im just off to get into my jimjams and grab a blankey :o)

i think my next diary entry will have to include jimjam piccies

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:03 pm
by Pervert
Jimmy-jam pics? Hex-cellent!

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:06 pm
by Pervert
I see I've had a message deleted in Anjali's thread on the main forum. The fact that it came immediately after, and partly in response to, Troll No 1's latest hypocritical mouthings means it comes as no surprise.

Be aware and wary of Some Real Twossers.

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:10 pm
by Sam Slater
Think I saw your post.

About irony & agreeing with Anjali?

Can't see why it got deleted, unless the mods thought you were being sarcastic.

Not seen Wazza on tonight.....

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:16 pm
by Pervert
I was being sarcastic to the Troll, not to Anjali.

Wazza seemed to be having a fair old battle with Troll 1 in the main forum last night. Whether that has resulted in a huff or trouble, I don't know---but it did result in T1 changing his signature.

Re: Bump - O/T Forum Keepie Uppie - A new game!!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:24 pm
by Sam Slater
Yes I noticed.

Definitely trying to get a reaction out of somebody. Wazza gave it I guess...

The other forums are a dangerous place, and people thought the OT forum was a jungle!