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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:42 pm
by eduardo
Yes they did but in Spain that never really caused to much of an uproar as they hate and blame ETA wholeheartedly.

As I said Zapatero won on a wave of emotion created by an anti war theme threatening to pull out of Iraq and Aznar stayed loyal to the "coalitions" cause.

Or that's how I remember when I was in Spain.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:50 pm
by Bob Singleton
Shiola wrote:

Very reluctantly I have to admit that the only solution is to bring in ID cards very quickly, get the army involved in policing because there are simply not enough police, institute random checks on anybody, detain people on suspicion and deport them immediately should they not be British or EU citizens. It means probably a permanent change in the degree of freedom we enjoy and I really wouldn't complain if measures such as curfews had to be imposed.


Part of the price of living in a free society is that at times others will attack us, either individually or as a group.

This may sound odd, but I would rather have been one of the victims on Thursday having lived in a free society than live in total safety in the police state you champion.

Be gone with you.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:54 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Round & round in circles we go

When Shiola will stop nobody knows

As before,no more correspondence will entered into


Re: Old World vs Modernity

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:20 pm
by andrew1532
We are a Tolerant nation.
We might not agree with what you say but at least you can shout it from the roof tops if you want without fear of any state repression.I might diagree with you and shout just as loudly back but thank God we can at least disagree with each other.
The Germans in the last war didnt break the British Spirit and others have tried to do it in the past and didnt succed so how ever nasty the attack it is at the moment they wont succed either.We are to Bloody Minded to let them win.
I have some friends and relations who work in the area and are all well and were back at work on Friday.A little nervious maybe but still there.


Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:47 pm
by davey

wouldnt have thought so .he will probably tighten up the laws on anyone even voiceing the opinion that there are too many foriegeners here and our borders will remain open.dont forget we live in a great multicultural society with all the benefits that diversity is the government that is killing us.just turn up in britain with your family it doesnt matter if you have AIDS or are a terrorist and get your free council house and wad of money.meanwhile the british citizens will go to work and pay taxes to fund all these unwanted cunts and live in fear of saying how they really feel.i am so fucking angry this was allowed to happen

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 8:50 pm
by davey

didnt livingstone invite an arab who openly supported terrorism to speak at a main london event recently?

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:27 pm
by Pervert
Since you go out of your way to miss the point each and every time, Deuce is right. It's a waste of time responding.

Enjoy your conspiracy theories.