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Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:08 pm
by Paul Taylor
Hey Stormchild, thanks for your kind comments Loving your work too.

descretion yes, but breach of forum no, someone had given a password out to my locked thread that has been sorted now. But yes I really need to keep my opinions to myself even in a locked room I think has members that I think are trust worthy, and more to the point I need to cool my hot head that sometimes gets the best of me when I have a stressful day, which of course is no excuse at all.

But I am learning


Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:14 pm
by Paul Taylor
thats what I have never understood, you have the money so just get them back when you need them. Why contract?


Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:23 pm
by Cenobitez
I don't much care about the contract either, if the girls are happy not to read it, then mo powa and all that.

I just object to being told, that I can be held liable for a contract to which I have no prior knowledge nor did the talent didnt make me aware of. I think many objected to the same thing, not so much the contract just that they was going to give us some bum loving for not being aware.

I think hiwatt has since corrected the fact, that if you know jack about it, then you are not liable tho, so all is good in my world.

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:30 pm
by Paul Taylor
well heres one, your a procucer who is looking for his next booking or worst still you have had someone cancel on you

A contracted model or a model who has finished shoting for bluebird but is not allowd to shoot for a year after approaches you for work.

Please dont take this as saying models have done this or will do this, but lets just say what if????

You shoot her, you put her on your site then ohhhhhh shit you know the rest??

I have already heard of this happening believe it or not?


Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:38 am
by J.J.
If any producer uses a former BB girl in breach of this condition, then such producer is liable in law to us.[/quote]

Everyone seems to be pussyfooting around this - I CALL BULLSHIT!!

Scare tactics, trying to put other producers off working with ex-bb girls - BB's contract is with the girl and CANNOT be magically extended to cover unassociated third parties.


Sorry but seeing replies on here from producers saying they'd be wary of using ex-BB girls due to this utter BULLSHIT post has pissed me off slightly.


Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:39 am
by Darren L Morgan
Yeah, i apologise for that, Angel's name was an error on my part, i had just read an email from Poppy talking about working with Angel so she was on my mind.......the hot weather does that to you sometimes!!!'s hot!

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:36 am
by Darren L Morgan
It has been said that all the producer needs to do is pick up the phone and ask permission to shoot the girl......really?

Let's go back a few years. I was shooting UFC (Ultimate Fucking Championships) for Playboy's Spice Extreme. I had already included Michelle B in the movie and spoke to her, she was booked. She then went over to Bluebird, in between booking her and putting the shoot together. I phoned Bluebird and explained the situation...what was their reply???

"Well.... you can use her no problem, BUT...we want our contract girls to appear in the movie, wearing Bluebird T shits....we want shots of us arriving at the shoot in our limo! I told them i had also booked Ben Dover for the movie and he had his Ferrari, so they said they would come in a Lambourghini! Obviously as this was a commissioned shoot for Playboy i could not grant their wishes, nor did i want to as this would have made the whole thing ridiculas. All i asked is that they let me continue with her booking as this was done prior to her agreement with them...obviously it did not happen and i replaced Michelle.

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:59 am
by Darren L Morgan
and before im corrected on not sure if it was Michelle could have been one of a few Bluebird Girls, or "prospective" Bluebird girls at that time. It's a long time ago and i cant remember which girl exactly, and which girl it was makes no difference really, Bluebird i am sure will remember the conversation.