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Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 8:55 am
by hornycouple
forums are for everyone. as long as people are not rude or derogatory to individuals then everyone is entitled to their own opinion. if we all had the same opinions forums would be a very boring place.

Forget the haters if it upsets them that much they dont have to read your opinion or if it really is bothering them that much why dont they just leave themselves rather than trying to alienate someone else for their own selfish reasons.


Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:05 am
by one eyed jack
Then you are a nobody Chandra You reserve the right to say as you will but I reserve the right to disagree and you have stepped in at the wrong time so the way I see it, you are culpable in perpetuating this thread by getting involved.

Oh look, you set up your profile and all your posts are on this topic too. Just like Jay K. I rest my case unless you prove otherwise.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:39 am
by one eyed jack
Blimey Chandra, that is exactly what Jay K would say. You aint Jay are you?

A real nobody to this thread wouldnt have taken the line you have

In case you didnt know, your posts on twitter are public. Thats how twitter works even though you've blocked me from months ago

You even had the gall to lie to me which pissed me off and why I had a go at you on the phone. Yes folks this s what this is all about. Jay wanted to now why hs membership was reused and I td him his

And while we're at it....

Youve stated me by name as being

"a bastard"

Sleeping with models and being a hypocrite



"not bright" ...???

I wont even contest any of that stuff because the pope that follow you probably dont even know who this Terry is and you are basically promoting yourself to look childish

This little fight is not promoting your site. People want the content. Not the producers squabbling. Im sure its a bit of entertainment to some when you're m distracting them from signing up

And, its not stalking when I've told you what I've done #DER #DIV

You are over compensating your innocence on your social network. I noticed no one has supported your rants because no one cares about what you are saying.

To quote one of you followers you blocked a while back "I dont even know who this UKAP is. I'm just a fan" !laugh!

Also I was told you set up a new twitter account. Is that because you don't want your new contacts from Berlin knowing what a twat you are making of yourself in fron to your 2000+ followers?

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:42 am
by one eyed jack
Despite the tonal changes in style, it still reeks of the same BS Jay K would say

I'm gonna have to call you Jay K "Jimmy Jimmy" Chandra

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:51 am
by one eyed jack
Jay. Seriously. You are acting like you are having a mid life crisis. If continuing this helps that then lets keep it up but frankly I'm really bored of it now.

You're stewing on this because your paranoid that you had to create a new profile to make the same points as your previous characters

Let it go man

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:13 am
by one eyed jack
Tel "being a bully".


I got you right there

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:15 am
by one eyed jack
I'm a top geezer Chandra but you'll never see that.