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Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:57 pm
by hiwatt
That made me laugh Kaz !

But, as a serious point, if a former contract girl did breach her 'non-shoot' clause, then BB could require her to repay the cost of the surgery. Ouch !

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:57 pm
by one eyed jack
Well, there are some very simple and obvious ways to flout those rules Hiwatt and I think you know what they are.

I'm not interested in upsetting you or challenging you in that way. There are too many beefs within this industry where there should be some harmony in that we are all in the same boat sailing on the same water.

Ok you are on the big ship and many of us are in the smaller boats. That much is evident

I suspect you are just having a lot of fun with this as why would you mention it now since you have been producing for a few years already?

What has precipitated this threat of legal action? Why now?

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:59 pm
by hiwatt
Hi Kieran
But you know what the answer to that obviously valid point is "The US business model does not work here in the UK" because ... er because saying that sounds like it's saying something sensible. Even when it's not

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:05 pm
by hiwatt
Why now ?
Because it has become apparent that lots of UK producers had no idea about the contractual and legal position. Which suspicion was proved correct by the barrage of barrack room lawyering which followed.

The post has achived it's objective. Thanks to all the producers who posted. Now you all know. And we know you know.

So we can all sail along together without infringing each other's legal rights.

How do you flout the law on this exactly ? If you publish on web, mobile or DVD images of a contract girl - well that's the primary evidence you have infringed the producer's rights, isn't it.

If you are making images for purely private use, then you are not in breach in the first place.

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:12 pm
by Keiranlee
Why is it that the UK market cant be like the US market, maybe not on such a large scale but why not follow trends that bluebird are trying to introduce?

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:13 pm
by hiwatt
"CRAP, sorry show me the contract that I'm not supposed to breach then maybe I'll have a look"

OK: It's standard Clause 5:
5 EXCLUSIVITY: The Performer shall not for the duration of this Agreement plus 1 further year provide to any person other than the Company the Performer's services in respect of films and/or photographic productions and/or internet and/or newspaper or magazine or other publishable materials and/or dancing and/or any other public appearances whether for free or for payment without the prior written permission of the Company.

Aren't BB's lawyers clever little bunnies ?