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Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:27 pm
by one eyed jack
I wouldnt expect you to lose face by coming out to tell the truth Jay

There's a lot more to this that you know fully well why you were refused membership

If you dont care then why bother call me to ask why your membership was denied?

You even mentioned me by name on your twitter along with another member "as a bastard". For what? Because we wouldnt change the date for the meeting so you could go to Silverstone?

You stated here you dont care so why should we wait for you?

I couldnt respond to you because you refused to answer my calls ( I have a witness to one of those) and blocked me on your social networks..

I got the point. I left you alone.

To come at me like this though....Don't even lie about it

Its documented that you've been trashing our event and association blatantly confusing the UKAP Awards with the Paul Raymond Party on your twitter and forum but you missed one very important thing...UKAP aint just about parties and awards.

Not where I'm concerned anyway.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:28 pm
by one eyed jack
You doing a Jekyll and Hyde now Jay?


Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:37 pm
by JayK
I knew you would respond with attacks. It's not me you idiot! I am not getting involved in this crap as I know what you are like. Terry must have the last word, Terry is always right...whatever...

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:39 pm
by one eyed jack
So much evidence you'd hang yourself with it Jay

...I rest my case

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:48 pm
by one eyed jack
You sure I'm attacking you Jay?

Am I being a bully? I dont have to have the last word but now you mention it, as Jimmy you said that as well

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:50 pm
by kiNky erOtica
Yo OEJ I'd say stay, you are the British adult man of knowledge, yeh there are others out there too, but most have not been around as long as yourself.
You have your opinions some may not always agree with but that's forums, people will always disagree with something but that's life.
I did join your other forum when you first started it, but never really ventured there and one forum is enough, if you can call this a forum now as no one comes here that I used to know, even though some are on twitter.

Well that's my say...

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:02 pm
by one eyed jack
Thanks KinKy Erotica

I have been wondering if the forums were becoming used less and less because of twitter.

I did suggest this to BGAFD like Adult DVD Talk do to promote their presence in that circle.

Its also a good way to get specific points across when people dont come to the forum

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:07 pm
by Tiffany
Hi Terry,

We've not spoken for a while. However, when I saw this thread I felt I had to post something... I've known you for many years and consider you to be one of the best and down to earth producers out there.

You say it how it is, you know the industry and are (in my opinion) top of your game. They'll always be haters out there... Just keep doing what your

Luv ya loads!


Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:39 pm
by one eyed jack
Long time no see Tiff

Thanks for the nice comments and yes it has been a long time

I hope you are well xx