The biggest turn off's in todays porn

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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by MHoodie »

No sexy undies
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by stevieq »

Much of what has been said I agree with.
But for me also are the models. Firstly, I must add that I'm from the era of the 80s & 90s when it comes to porn.
Today's model's all lookalike, the teens and early 20s. There doesn't seem to be the class of your Wendy Taylor's, Shakina Shergold, Laura Turner just to name three. In other word's no individual characters, the today's models could well have come out of the same factory mould.
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by BigGuy »

Agree with so much that's already been said.

Turn offs

False boobs especially with bad scars
Studs who can't get it up or cum (Fat Freddie springs to mind) find another career!
Thigh length boots (tacky)
Ankle socks.
Women who can't wait to get all their kit off (you can still pleasure yourself or have sex with your kit on)
Continous having to lay on a bed or sofa (more standing up playing) just randomly when you're doing the washing up or laundry.
Tattoos (that should have been higher up the list)
Taking shoes off
Downstairs piercings
Spanking but with no other sexual goings on (yawn)
Skirts that go below the knee.
Ironmongery down below (piercings) yuck.
Ankle boots (all the range at the moment but absolutely horrid)

But the biggest turn off for me is holdups (just pure bloody laziness, put a suspender belt on)

Turn ons

Knee length boots
Knee length socks
Thigh length socks (not holdups)
Stockings with a lacy flowery pattern , not the tops but all the way down (you know what i mean)
Tights, sometimes :-\
Pleated skirts
Tight short skirts
Suspender belts
Pencil skirts (secretary look)
Leather skirts (especially mini skirt)
Natural boobs (no matter how small)
Gypsy tops
Strapless bras
Boob tubes
Tight fitting leggings
Vest tops
No piercings down below
Shoes/boots left on until the end
Fully clothed girls just hitching their skirts up and going for it in everyday situations
Naturally curvy girls

There's probably more, but they escape me at the moments
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by BigGuy »

Agree with so much that's already been said.

Turn offs

False boobs especially with bad scars
Studs who can't get it up or cum (Fat Freddie springs to mind) find another career!
Thigh length boots (tacky)
Ankle socks.
Women who can't wait to get all their kit off (you can still pleasure yourself or have sex with your kit on)
Continous having to lay on a bed or sofa (more standing up playing) just randomly when you're doing the washing up or laundry.
Tattoos (that should have been higher up the list)
Taking shoes off
Downstairs piercings
Spanking but with no other sexual goings on (yawn)
Skirts that go below the knee.
Ironmongery down below (piercings) yuck.
Ankle boots (all the range at the moment but absolutely horrid)

But the biggest turn off for me is holdups (just pure bloody laziness, put a suspender belt on)

Turn ons

Knee length boots
Knee length socks
Thigh length socks (not holdups)
Stockings with a lacy flowery pattern , not the tops but all the way down (you know what i mean)
Tights, sometimes :-\
Pleated skirts
Tight short skirts
Suspender belts
Pencil skirts (secretary look)
Leather skirts (especially mini skirt)
Natural boobs (no matter how small)
Gypsy tops
Strapless bras
Boob tubes
Tight fitting leggings
Vest tops
No piercings down below
Shoes/boots left on until the end
Fully clothed girls just hitching their skirts up and going for it in everyday situations
Naturally curvy girls

There's probably more, but they escape me at the moments
Dave Wells
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by Dave Wells »

You're all wrong. The biggest problem now is that there ain't no money to be made anymore !

Dave Wells
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by SexiestUKModels »

Here's a counter to the "no money to me made" argument. (Not pointing fingers, just UK producers in general)

Biggest turn offs personally in current porn producers:

1. Using the same small core of models over and over again, I know that actually the number of UK models willing to work to certain levels is quite small, but if you've seen the same model 100 times, where's the incentive to part with cash? Branch out and get some other models, there are a ton out there.

2. Get off your arses. If you shoot a model and then don't publish for ages (for instance, been waiting FIVE YEARS for one site to upload a set of a shoot that they made a big fuss about at the time of shooting) that's ridiculous and I've lost interest by then.

3. Don't expect to be paid as a professional if you act like an amateur. Lost count of the amount of times I've emailed producers with a clear set of requests to buy privately to have them dick about with poorly spelt and vague replies, which come back two weeks later and then they uhm and ahh about this and that. It's not joining the Illuminati. it's buying something for a price. If you put barriers between you and your customer, don't be surprised when they go somewhere else.

4. Endless Nostalgia. No I don't want to pay premium rates for something you shot in the nineties on VHS because apparently the girls were "better" then. Nope, you just couldn't see what they looked like through the grain. Give me 4K, 60fps and pictures in resolution I could print on a billboard.

5. Getting the models to act. This will sound contentious, but seriously, a lot of them on are only watchable on mute because they look great but sound fucking awful. No idea where the "sexy voice" thing that seems to come out of chat TV channels has come from, but it really isn't.

6. Don't have a website if you don't know how UX works. 20 minutes rooting through menus to find the right clip is why Tube sites are winning and paid sites are falling on their arse. use bentbox or manyvids because they're built by people who know what they're doing.

One BIG turn off, which is pretty relevant currently. Is treating your models like shit and making them feel like a piece of meat, which is obvious when you see the results. Go head to any model site and see how they talk about a lot of you, and when there are teams that look after their models, who, at the end of the day, are the product you are trying to sell, you can really tell in what gets produced.

Again, if you want to do business, treat this like a business and everybody will be a happier wanker.
Dave Wells
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by Dave Wells »

1). "there are a ton out there" Erm wrong, you see the same one's endlessly because that's all there is. Again because they simply cannot make enough money doing it so most do the shaky phone crap or hooking. And by doing that, nobody see's it so they're quids in !
2). In advertising circles usually known as hype it up big and then it doesn't matter about delivery. In porn terms it all sells about the same and is often used to get the punter to click somewhere else to 'move traffic' and thus make money.
3). I can't answer for everyone but I would imagine that's all to do with budget (lack of it) too. But contact me Privately and I'll see what I can do. I've been doing it (sorry was doing it) for over 32 years so I'd call that very professional.
4). No problemo ! As before if the budget is right, you'll get the quality.
5). I agree but in my 32 years doing it. This has always been the problem except in those early American films with Seka, John Leslie etc so not a lot can be done about that, I'm afraid.
6). Again, I agree.

Dave Wells
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by Milk »

The girl were better during the 90's no doubt about it.
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by BigGuy »

Actually having thought about it, the biggest turn off is producers and website owners who do pay per scene.

Let me pay a reasonable price for a site (about ?20 a month) and i'll decide whether to stream or download.

Don't make me pay a stupid ?5.99 for a smallish film.

Idiots and greedy to**ers.

Realpunting is a prime example of ripping the arse out of it.

Way overpriced and totally put off by the heavy price.

Was recently offered 20 (yes 20) discs from that site for a fiver, have watched them all.....think i'm due a refund, total shite from start to end.

Absolute rubbish.
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Re: The biggest turn off's in todays porn

Post by MHoodie »

Guess Thigh length pvc boots! ( not sexy) Would rather see sexy stilettos that show off the legs.
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