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Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:30 pm
by one eyed jack
A tad sharp but...Yes

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:28 pm
by andy ide
Some of the models I've shot have been prostitutes as well, joH. Most of them have been great girls. Your point?

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:19 pm
by joH
My point is..I know him (as in recognise his name on here) as the guy who films the prostitutes for his website. No point Sir, simply stating a fact

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:26 pm
by sparky
jimmyjimmy wrote:

> You do seem to have your supporters on here but the weak are
> usually drawn towards bullys out of fear.
> ... lol

Each to their own interpretation but I have never read a post by OEJ that I would consider bullying. Yes he has strong opinions but stating them is not bullying.

I would dare to suggest sometimes his reply to a post is not what person who made the original post wants to hear, but that at a later date they look back and realise he was right.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:19 pm
by one eyed jack
jimmyjimmy wrote:

> You do seem to have your supporters on here but the weak are
> usually drawn towards bullys out of fear.
> ... lol

Yeah because I can see everyone quaking in their boots, teeth chattering in abject fear from words I post on a forum !laugh!

Jay is really defiant that he can post these lies to cast aspersions about me as a person.

I'm glad posters came forward to prove I'm not that kind of person or I wouldve been thrown off the BGAFD years ago I'm sure so thanks for that

If the saying is no one likes a bully then Ive not heard anyone but one person since deleted come forward to support Jay K/ Jimmys opinions.

Re: Gave me a chance

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:44 pm
by Ratters Pank
Don't be daft, Terry. You are one the best posters on this forum. As a porn fan it is fascinating for me to hear from people who operate (mostly) on the other side of the camera.

Please stay, oej (hey, that rhymes!)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:41 am
by max_tranmere
I must say I've enjoyed our chats over the months and years - on politics, race, London, and just about everything else. We might not always agree but you are very knowledgeable and respond with a lot of detail, and usually insight, in your replies. Don't leave geezer - without you, David Johnson, and two or three others the debates would be less fun and I might have to leave! lol.

Re: Please stay, oej (hey, that rhymes!)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:45 am
by countb
OEJ,You are not alone...
I recall being on another adult forum where we played "Big Brother"
I was up for nomination in week1 and voted off unanimously.
Did I care?Not a bit I just didn't speak to the fuckers ever again....hope nobody suggests we play BB on here lol

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:46 am
by Cornish Chris
Terry you have always taken the time to reply when ever I have had issues with something, which is a lot more than some of the other snidey bastards did.

I do feel that sometimes you jumped to UKAP's defense a little to quickly, and time has proven that those you defended did not have the industries intrests fully at heart, and have turned out to be fuckin' rotters, but then again we have all made crap decisions we regret in hindsight.

Terry for what its worth, as a long time poster you have my support, the place is a better place with your input.

Cornish Chris (Retired).

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:03 am
by JayK
This is a very amusing thread. I have been in Berlin and I have not posted on BGAFD for weeks. This is the only account I have on BGAFD. I am not posting as jimmyjimmy. The admins can see my IP address. But I guess Terry even if you had this proof you would not believe me so carry on believing it's me...whatever.

Yes Terry you and I fell out. I fell out with Dave as well ages ago when he caused problems for me on Xmas day when I was trying to enjoy a day with my family. This is old news.

So I have been thrown out of UKAP? So what? Not interested anymore and I have better things to do than post on here and argue with you Terry. If I was that mad about UKAP why would I put the redirect on from the old forum to the new? I would send the traffic to my own forum wouldn't I!

Ps Jimmyjimmy what great work! You are a master of forum posting to make them all believe you are me.