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Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:38 pm
by fudgeflaps
Well, well,well...............there is the rub!!

We are a materialistic bunch of tossers besotted with finacial and materialistic competition- a Keeping-Up-with-The-Jones' culture, if you will.

So, why, why, why (sounds like and old voiceover from 'Points of View' inthe 80s, that) do we obsess so much about money, material wealth and petty possessions?? Sure, we need to secure our future, yes.

But, when we leave this mortal coil, when we die, when we have ceased to be, when we are late people and ex-human.............. guess what??


What should we do with life in that case, how do we make the UK better? Do we opt to become money-driven, interpersonally inept, backstabbing twats who, whilst being perceived 'to have done well', are bankrupt spiritually and in the red in terms of general personality?

Or do we go back to basics and prioritise what being human is about, adopting proper values and having mutual respect and a bit of humour too??

'Rich' is a shite term- we ascribe financial success to it- I tell you this: it's not. Fit is the new rich. Happy is the new rich. Having good family and friends is the new rich. A lot of 'rich' people may have cash- all at the expense of happiness, companionship, proper past-times. Fuck them.

IF there is an afterlife, i feel there will be criteria to be met in order join the ULTIMATE of exclusive clubs. Money or contacts wont get you in.......and a pound to a penny the honest man of meagre means who is happy with his lot will be favoured over the ignorant rich fuck who cares more about his bank balance and his cars than his fellow men.

UK = materialistic = poisoning of culture = regression of values = superficiality disease = distortion of identity = pish.

Sure, I hate the chavs and the neds- but their mere existence may just be an act of rebellion against pompous, deluded tossers. Their actual being winds them up anyways! (I digress..........)

Whew! !wink!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:44 pm
by Mojo
Actually, yes, Keith does seem to be a bit more in touch with reality than a certain forum member I can mention.

By the way, did you watch Panorama earlier about how the American big business is destroying the environment on purpose just for BIG profits? Do you think British big business is any different? If they'll destroy the world for big profit then they'll do anything for money!

Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:55 pm
by c.j.jaxxon
In the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois USA

Re: UK has superficiality disease (superficialitis)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:58 pm
by fudgeflaps
ps- I still encourage endeavour, success and talent!!!!! It's when the fine line bisecting arrogance and success has been breached that problems start.

In any walks of material gain though, whilst being laudable for effort and for having the talent and vision to pull it all off, my point above verifies one thing: I DESPISE those who 'think they are above others' for their material wealth when they could have the charisma of a gnat's pube and the 'others that they think they are above' could outclass them in most other facets of life.

I am secure enough with my success and acheivements at my age and have no desire to mouth off about it- but I know that material wealth means fuck all anyway! I'd rather be a poor musician or a poor-yet-gifted stand-up comic- my values are different. Gain isn't money, it's talent for me!!! I'd rather have genius levels of talent at sport, music................. and be just ok finacially, thanks!

Go ahead, be as successful as you can be, Britain, it's your prerogative- but don't let it get to your head and contaminate your soul. Work hard, play hard, be yourself.

I've harped on a bit as I'm genuinely riled. !annoyed!