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Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:13 pm
by jammer
I was looking forward to this site and assuming it would be subscription based had intended to join (mainly for Liquid Angels). Have noted many of the problems and glitches, but can only assume they will be resolved in the fullness of time.

Having worked in marketing for years I can't get my head around the pricing structure which BB have picked for their launch. They have clearly invested a huge amount in content but don't seem to have put to much effort into getting the pricing strategy correct, something which is normally the most important factor.

Without banging on and possibly teaching BB to suck lemons, I would suggest that instead of 'skimming' a maket penetration price strategy would make for happy customers and I would guess investors also!

Hope you get it all sorted out and look forward to joining then !happy!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:40 pm
by mark
I haven't read the here for a long while so don't actually know the full deal behind Bluebird but do know some major money has been pumped into it, it seems. Some of the content looks real nice. But the pricing model is a joke, sorry.

The fact that the guy is trying to argue against the industry standard 30 DOLLAR per month subscription tells me he knows very little about the pornoweb. The concept is a simple one, user pays $30 if he likes the content on the tour. If he likes the members area/coontent and future updates he continues to rebill, if he doesn't, he cancels. Rebills are where the $$$$ is.

$10/scene, $50/movie, holy shit!! Seems like greed to me, or just total lack of experience.

I've been in the biz for over 5 years, I don't know any webmasters who would push/promote a site that is so expensive when ALL the competition is offering better quality at a much lower price:
could go on forever....

The choice isn't difficult. I'd be one of your potential customers for sure but seriously, you gotta employ some people who actually know about the online business cause I ain't ever paying 5 quid for 20-30 minutes of video file.

Ditch the commerical guys and employ people who actually know how to sell adult online and make a decent programme.

Big difference between selling and making DVDs and selling online. It took the major US gonzo studio's years to catch up with the webmasters who were already making $$$$ off their content(me included). It's only been the last couple years that they have gotten their act together somewhat.

go post on and see if other webmasters think $50 for 5 scenes is gonna fly......erm, nope!

I'm not gonna be all negative 'cause the content looks good and the UK is hardly a wash with quality content but if I were you I'd seriously get wise!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:42 pm
by H Weinzetl

I have not taken much interest in BB, but as like you, i have been in international marketing in Europe and Asia for many years. A few points come to mind.
If BB did get 27,000 member approaches, it must make them the most logistically and saturated adult site in history, outstripping certain USA and European market leaders.
The pricing also does not stack up for member retention and new product launch market penetration objectives.
They could have sat around the local pub table for an hour and come up with a more realistic proposal.
I would imagine by March they will have 7,000 repeat members.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:20 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Spot on OEJ

To compound the credibility problem they leave it someone who admits he/she has no technical proficiency

Truly bizarre....professional suicide i call it

Why comment at all if your not an expert?

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:52 am
by keiran_lee
Suprise Suprise...

It goes live, yeah there a few problems..As do alot of sites when they 1st go live...

There being sorted so just chill...

Got to admit Super randy really suprised it has taken you 3 days to post and slate...

U quote

"I think the word I'm looking for is bland.

I was looking forward to seeing something fresh and new and I did'nt get that"

I'm guessing you see something new and refreshing every week and rave bout it?? New girls, new ideas etc...

Well if you check the site out i'm sure you will see plenty of new girls that you have never seen and jerked off to b4....

Maybe if they were to use different props and backgrounds etc you would be interested...

Any way once the bugs are gone and a few changes are made ( Which i already know Paul Chaplin is on ) the site will be by far the biggest in UK...

Take it sleazy
Keiran Lee

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:54 am
by Jacques
5 whole US dollars for me - oh and some seriously sloppy code and a back door you could drive a bus though.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:01 am
by Sam Slater
Hey-up Scorpian! Don't get too upset, you'll give yourself a nosebleed (mind you, it's all healed now isn't it? The new nose that is).

Anyway, I was just laughing at a few posts you made before you met Paul from Bluebird.....pull up a chair and take a gander....

[quote]Author: Scorpian
Date: 03-27-07 13:23

Hi Guys
Just asked to Disanto to see the Jane Berry section of the site..
It's looks wicked with 15 scenes in Janes section already and some really intense DP work to boot..

Author: Scorpian
Date: 01-02-07 17:15

Yes she is scheduled for two DVD's at the moment and Disanto has already put them into production..
Desi Desires and Baby Loves the Shaft 6..
One for Killergram and one for Pornostatic..
I will keep you informed of release dates or you can check by going to

Author: Scorpian
Date: 12-14-06 15:55

Check out Amber at



Author: Scorpian
Date: 09-19-06 17:30

Heres some footage of Roxanna ( Milana ) Shot only last month here at Killerstatic..



Author: Scorpian
Date: 05-10-06 09:47

Check out

A few trailers of Nat on there....

One with Karla and my self..

then another one where i had the delights of Misss Heck all 2 myself...


Author: Scorpian
Date: 05-09-06 14:57

As you can see from Killergram titles Sophie dee has also done abit of work in the UK....

I was lucky enough to have shot with her and a really great performer... ... front.html ... _front.htm



Author: Scorpian
Date: 05-04-06 09:33

Theres a sneaky peek leaky to what you will be getting when you join...



Author: Scorpian
Date: 05-03-06 14:16

Have you seen the update to Urban Perversion leaky...


Author: Scorpian
Date: 05-03-06 12:04

Hi Leaky,

We had a meeting at the weekend and the new sites should be up within the next week...

With more sites to follow in June also...

So busy times at the minute....



Author: Scorpian
Date: 04-26-06 09:14

The lucky guy in that picture was myself.....

But you will have to wait till this new uncovered site is released to see what we got up 2...

All I can say it was a very enjoyable shoot....



Author: Scorpian
Date: 04-24-06 16:15

Jock lots more quality and quantity to come mate...

Wait to you see the new sites that will be released soon....They are something special thats for sure....

The success is down to having a strong team....

Credit goes to Don Roobles also, very handy with his cam and just as handy with his pen and diary booking the girls and guys in....

With Disanto and Don Roobles shooting its makes is so easy for a performer to perform and help knock out a decent scene...



[Sam's note]I really like this one Scorpian...Re: best British director[/note]
Author: Scorpian
Date: 04-24-06 11:08

I'll say Disanto and I always will...

No whats he wants to shoot and directs it in such a relaxed and fun way you get super content like what is available on all the uncovered sites...



I could go on, but I won't.

What happened? Bluebird pay more? Playing the spy I heard.......

There's a thread I liked about how you were complaining Anjali and Kiera weren't voted the top 2 performers in the industry, yet during the latest bgafd vote, they weren't even in your top five.

It's been nice to reminisce.......take it easy Scorpian.

p.s the nose looks fab by the way. Money well spent mate !thumbsup!

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:55 pm
by colin
HaHaHa!! Well posted Sam.

Re: Bluebird WebSite

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:16 pm
by keiran_lee

God Sam Slater the kid who was bullied at school eh...

Shall i put it again in really simple terms for you go...

I ( Scopion etc ) was told to post for them ( killergram ) as part of ( heres the big bit for you sam ) MY ( scorpion etc ) contract...

I could say that a thousand times for you but i'm sure some how you still wouldn't get it...

Maybe if you doing some digging into the past again you will find the post where disanto actually posts that...

Any way lets get to the facts again just for you...

Yes i started off with Killergram b4 they were even a somebody in this biz, I enjoyed my time with them for many years, things changed and to be fair it was for the better...

They got new talent in and also kept some of the old boys in andy mann, who will also tell you that he had his times when he was fed up and wanted to leave and shoot else where and did for abit...

As for me I was lucky enough got a decent agent, worked with a few companies here in the UK and was lucky enough then to work for top companies and people in Europe...

Yeah you are right though sam, bluebird do pay male talent more...but then again so does every other company in the UK...

Right i've been straight with you, so come on sam what is your role in the biz??

Ex producer washed up no cash??
Ex performer no work ??
Sad man nothing else to do??


Scoprion Oooops I mean Keiran Lee

p.s Cheers on the nose, again though got your facts wrong...wasn't money well spent was a freebie on the NHS...