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Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:21 pm
by M25crash
Hey What a surprise , NOT

find another model ... this one is so precious .. Or so she believes....

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:22 am
by Nord
Who have photos from shoot with MJlee?

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa///// NORD ???

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:09 pm
by M25crash
13 0f Your 16 posts have been regarding this woman

Why not come out of the closet and buy her time , just to see a real human with a pulse ..
Ask her to expose herself to You ....Good Luck with that

I have yet to see you offer any form of payment for her images

What is the fixation with this female ... verging on tendencies which may not be healthy.

Or are you just a wind up merchant...Oh sorry that what you are /// a bleeding
white knight to go and tell tales , You won't win any favours from her ...

Oh by the way she is getting older and growing so she won't be the cutie thing you think she is ....

Man you are one sad fan

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa///// NORD ???

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:57 pm
by davy99
M25crash Wrote:
> 13 0f Your 16 posts have been regarding this woman

The fact that this is a thread about her means ALL posts are going to be about her.
Not rocket science. 8-) >:D<

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:28 am
by M25crash
This thread could be be all about the model

Yet, Nord has not offered any thing payment , hiring , or contacting the model.

The example is selling the Big Issue , standing in a wet road saying in a foreign accent , Big Issue.
How many times , mentally do this people get questioned get off your lazy arse and do some thing .
Further, why are you giving the explanation and not the (13, from 16)....

Feed me free photos , X16 times = Nord.

Another parasite that just wants it given to them . Feed me , Feed me

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:41 am
by Nord
I thing find her information about her shoots.
For money I buy some box on bentbox! Or do you have some shoots or her to buy?

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:58 am
by dud000
reviving this - anything?

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:33 pm
by M25crash
2021 // Oh Dear .

as we all know I ain't no fan of her AND I HAVE used a camera to snap away

Oh , Dear that this still has wheels

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:11 am
by TMS
108 posts on an adult site, about a model who hardly even shows her boobs.

There must be some sort of marketing strategy to be extracted from that :-)

I had a sit-down with Lena and she's absolutely lovely, but never hired her because, see line 1 :-)

Re: Lena 93 aka liliana krupa

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:17 am
by M25crash
A note of experience I would like to add:
If there is anyone who ACTUALLY gone to the expense of buying ACTUAL photographic equipment and can use it ( to some degree)and are not phased by ACTUALLY seeing a YOUNG model with no clothes and then sees an offer to ACTUALLY photograph the MODEL - Lena 93 aka liliana krupa , DO CHECK THE LEVELS BEING OFFERED by the Studio entrepreneur, It also goes for any other activity relating to spending money and Time with a so called Glamour -Nude Model .
Trust me , It is enough to pull your hair out to be told ,

Oh I did it for him but not doing on this trip , as I was told I did not need to.

The other little Gem , is when a pretty , fit model is booked , either for fully acceptable Tasteful Nude , or higher levels to be told

Oh I'm on the Time of the month , and I'm having difficulty in making that pose as I can feel the Thing Slipping out ...Or hang on I'll just tuck the cord out of the way .

Don't these models keep diaries....

Oh Still say she is pointless and now Fives years on , from my trip , she must be getting on .... and possibly still living with mother , and playing the Virgin Queen, and Waiting for HER BIG Chance ..... Well Done Covid .Stay at home and earn sweet FA.

I may seem a bitter twister fella : On the balance it maybe correct . Being down so many Garden paths , only to find a barrow of horse manure ..

I have had quite a few positive complements from Adult working in the business , but when it comes to Prima Donna's I'm now too old to have the patients I once had .
The excitement of the using a camera is still very strong , and now I can produce satisfying images and video I just don't need the Model being placed on a pedestal by: either the dreaded hard driver librarians, or the break out the baskets of flowers as , the Queen is here .
Simply : Book a model , both understanding the Levels and payment. (Oh sorry ) that was the plan.

Perhaps I have been spoilt and lucky to have photographed some level headed Top Adult Models who just simply enjoy the payment and adult environment.

This is strange as Lena is foreign and I often consider, they have a better work ethic over being nude ...