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Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:24 pm
by M25crash
who will have the last laugh

Plus I bet there will be a court case over being underpaid by ...Guess who ...Oh the other one ...

Perhaps the BBC knows it is on borrowed time , the producers are just throwing everything into the "Mix"

but I still need to buy a BLACK & white licence .

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 7:32 pm
by M25crash
BBC to reduce its staffing levels ...
Oh dear ....

Are these freelance or full time .....

Maybe it is why the bloke in charge is leaving ..Typical Manager with no back bone to ride out the storm .... common with managers.

In a few years , folks will be asking : do you remember the Bbc and having to pay a licence ......

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:59 pm
by M25crash
As this has now moved to my hate of the BBC

I see the Tax , oh sorry the licence fee is to go up in April by ?3.00
Cunts !!!

There was a time when labour was cheap . seems not so . Guess they have to claw back some of the losses incurred by legal failures ..and Guess who has to pick up the Tab.

The increase no doubt will pay for air fair to foreign countries to cover the news by a who team , Radio presenter , News reporter, and countless others who Simply must be on the flight.
So they can write a book and flog it and keep the funds themselves, as they are Freelance after all.

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:19 pm
by Bill Malone
I remember when the forum was awesome.

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:53 pm
by M25crash
Funny How the BBC is Voice of the Government due to the Virus

Que up the BBC expert and they run through the chancellors New LOAN for small and large business. At which point the Expert Must include the new measures will not help the independent , or sole trader: and the "Freelance"
So this virus might have a double whammy

Make the Freelance not able to be hired , shut some of the BBC down , oh and the
Luvvies at the BEEB may not feel too well win win .
No TV licence . Just need to get rig of Lord Hall .

On a more sober and honest news front .

today I was watching on Tele : The Great , Fred Dineage has gone into the New Self Isolation , purely as his age is the target group .
Fred knocks spots off ALL at the BBC ...

Also Roy Hudd . RIP , another Old School true entertainer...

Should I say for a chap at the BBC he did look a bit too PALE, though he did have pedigree to , show the upstarts How to Do Correctly

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:01 pm
by spider
Did you notice that the ban de Pfeffel (or his mate Cummings) had implemented on not allowing Cabinet Ministers to appear on The BBC Today Programme has suddenly been dropped now things are getting scary?

You can't turn the programme on now days without one of his cabinet spouting off on Corona Virus (apart from the Patel woman they are keeping her out of the way, or perhaps she's in Israel again holding unauthorised meets with their government).

With the way things are shaping-up We need clear, concise, consistent, science-led communication freely available to all.

Perhaps there's an opportunity for a public service broadcaster to step forward here. A public service broadcaster not looking over its shoulder all the time at a government who keeps threatening them because it has the audacity to criticise that government on occasion. This is not the time when we need a public broadcaster that's running scared.

Suppose it's times like this when you begin to wonder whether it had been such a good idea to under-resource the NHS under the guise of austerity over the last ten years.

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:44 pm
by M25crash
In view of this

I strongly believe.

Those who have amassed vast sums of wealth have awake up call ,

time to be Forced to pay wealth into the system .

The Rainy Day is on the Horizon with Europe, so it will awash this country .

New Tax increases . The business loans will not be robust enough , considering these need to be paid back .....

Money stays with money unless raided. Raid the Rich , in Chelsea , (Russians)

Or where no UK residents are enjoying safe locations but not contributing enough for the rest .

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:51 pm
by spider

You're beginning to sound like Corbyn.

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:38 pm
by M25crash
Pay the dues ,

Take . The Times Rich List ..... Pay up . Or Die ... and rest assured the Tax folks will come a knocking ...

Amazon , Coffee houses, Arms dealers , Sky , Virgin , BT, GSK, All need to place the grubby profitable hands into the pockets....

(Spider why you no answer my other post , It not yankee doing)

Re: New Year BBC Dr.Who ,

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:58 pm
by spider

Why you no write your postings in understandable English.

Is it that English is not your first Language?

Perhaps you agree with Trump, and it's a Chinese virus. It's a bloody clever virus if it can carry a passport in it's pocket.