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Re: ADMIN? shebangtv / CGTVX / RampantTV

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:56 pm
by one eyed jack
If they didnt post on this forum there would be nothing to show anything was happening in UK porn :-)

Re: ADMIN? shebangtv / CGTVX / RampantTV

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:00 am
by Gdickiner
Nobody reads them. Nobody ever will. You're the digital equivalent of a tramp screaming at a lamp post about the messages in his teeth.

Seriously, it's not 1997, use social media.

Re: ADMIN? shebangtv / CGTVX / RampantTV

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:04 am
by Gdickiner
Yes, this place was a desolate wasteland before the spam stopped people posting here.

No, wait, it was the opposite. Genuine people asking for advice, work, location, the occasional promotion but generally a forum that was useful.

Now? Spam. Once or twice a month an older model will post here, in the mistaken belief it's still used. That's it.

The forum is almost dead, due to the work of three spammers.

Re: ADMIN? shebangtv / CGTVX / RampantTV

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:15 am
People do read them, it's why there are plenty of views. Posting 2/3 times a day is hardly spam.

Also, forums are a form of social media hun.

Lastly, you need to think of better metaphors. There are more important things to be getting angry about...

Anna- Producer

Re: ADMIN? shebangtv / CGTVX / RampantTV

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:47 am
by Krystal
Personally and as Manager at CGTVX I agree with Terry that this is a Promotions Forum so Promoting PornStars/Models where fans can be interactive with them I would say this is the right place.

The BGAFD was a great site in its hayday but no young models know about it and are mmore inclined to use AIR and Purple Port etc although I believe we should all use The Ukap site myself also

As Anna said there are more important things to get in a twist about

Chill Out
