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Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:54 pm
by andy at handiwork
Now you mention it Terry, I thought at least a few more London/SE based BGAFD members might have made the effort. Well done those who did get there and with whom a nice time was had in the pub. Good chat had with Sarah Jayne, Edie La Mar, and others both known to us all and not.

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:11 am
by one eyed jack
Its to those people that post on here that make the effort to show up why I wont give up on this forum.

I know a few of them by name now and thank them for their support. You know who you are. I always make time for you guys ...and girls too !happy!

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:50 pm
by puretotty
ok here's being controversial... is there a porn industry any more ? Just saying...

The industry seems to have been taken over by the Saterlitte Channels and companies like Adult Work and Clips4Sale...

Who are the big producers in the UK ? I had big hopes for Killergram and Bluebird... I know I am being controversial here... but just saying, probably why it looks like there's about 6 people at the demo...

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:33 pm
by one eyed jack
There is a porn industry Pure Totty. Its now incorporating what you said so in my mind it has expanded to include the others you mentioned.The adult works and production companies like Harmony and Pure XXX are still around.

I agree with you the business aint what it used to be but its no point just letting the vultures come in to feast on a dying animal that aint even dead yet.

The point of the demonstration wasnt about just the porn business. It was about the sex business across the board. These days it seems the business has crossed over into all sorts with strippers doing porn and adult work and more.

We can roll with it or get rolled over but it is what it is.

The business will die a lot quicker if people dont do anything to promote its existence.

Obviously the channels promoting here see benefit in doing so. if this site wants to remain relevant then it will have to embrace the social network. Get an following and start tweeting posts out that will get people coming to forums or the audience will just happily go with the links on other social media.

I tried this and found it works

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:40 pm
by puretotty
Yeah I guess I am getting old and sceptical... Don't get me wrong I think the industry is getting harder all over the world... not just the UK.

Well done to those who made some noise, just not sure how much impact it would of had... There seems to be powers in play that make up the rules as they go along, and not sure there's a lot that can be done about it, of course I hope I am wrong...

However in making this stand do these people not make them selves prime targets for the said powers... putting them selves well and truly in the sights ? I've made a career out of painting a target on my back, but on this occasion thought better of it... :/

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:36 pm
by one eyed jack
I'm doing it to lead by example. I have nothing to hide. I'm known for what I do.

All this hiding away and not speaking up is what makes the business such a soft target which is why I was mightily impressed by the turn out of the supporters and models because the Stop Porn Culture people didnt expect we would show up because the business has never protested before.

With regards ATVOD, no one has contested them when they launched 3 years ago and as long as no one does they will pass laws using the scare tactics of Stop porn Culture getting all the media exposure

I'm defending my right to do this business and Im sure everyone there had a motive for being there as well.

I dont understand the "pointless" of it all comments I hear from some.People slag off David Sullivan but yet the freedom to buy R18 porn is down to him and two others who made it possible in the late 90's

If you dont protest to change things then you should expect things to get worse, not just for porn but in your private lives as well. This is far bigger than just porn on the net. The ultimate endgame is control.

Protestor Numbers & Gail Dines

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:36 am
by planeterotica
puretotty wrote:
> Who are the big producers in the UK ? I had big hopes for
> Killergram and Bluebird... I know I am being controversial
> here... but just saying, probably why it looks like there's
> about 6 people at the demo...
planeterotica wrote:

Actually there was quite a large gathering which you cannot see in the photos.

Wether or not it made an impact i don't know, but judging by the look on Gail Dines face in this photo i would say it did..

Edie La Mar Speaks Out

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:49 am
by planeterotica
Lovely erotic dancer Edie made herself heard !wink!

Re: Edie La Mar Speaks Out

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 3:02 pm
by andy at handiwork
Lovely is the word. I was smitten. Time spent chatting with this gorgeous, witty and delightful woman in the pub afterwards went far too quickly.

Good shot of me looking like I knew what I was doing, by the way.

Re: Some Photos From Todays Porn Protest

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:30 pm
by jackdore
I think this campaign is very encouraging, and hope many more will support it. I was a member of the late David Webb's N.C.R.O.P.A years ago. Censorship is a problem that never goes away here, sadly neither does the apathy and complacency of many who are its targets.