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Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:34 am
by JeffThrow
Regarding permission to march ... watch Mark Thomas excellent "Serious Organised Criminal" for how this works. Informative *and* funny.

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:28 am
by planeterotica
Not sure what to make of this but some interesting comments below the article..

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:17 pm
by one eyed jack
Ya know what G

Flamethrowers at the ready if you consider me a radical but yes....That sounds like common sense.

If the ids are looking at it there should be awareness to it but I htink timing is important. If a parent discovers their child is watching it I think parents should be given the chance to explain it but seeing that some parents are uncomfortable with it then it should be discussed.

As for that "porn doesnt reflect real life" Of course it doesnt. Its a product made for the end user to be ahem...entertained privately. It is no different to watching an action movie that doesnt reflect real life with fantastic stunts and dodging a milion bullets fired from an uzi and jumping through a plate glass window.

It doesnt stop one from enacting what excites them visually.

Maybe the government should subsidise Real Couples...That'll freak the wee bairns out


Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:11 am
by lowerloft
You can now follow Sex & Censorship on Google+ at
Please follow and support.

Gail Dines In Trafalgar

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:00 pm
by planeterotica
I'm not sure if Miss Dines was there today in Trafagar Square but her followers were for sure, here is one of many pics i shot, and yes they were for real behind the cutouts

But don't fret because just up the road in Soho Square i shot these lovely girls who were also holding a protest, !wink!

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:43 pm
by one eyed jack
I doubt Miss Dines would be there. She only hates porn and is here to save all the girls who have been brainwashed and raped into the business being used by pimp producers hiding behind the girls apparently.

I dont think she really knows much about the porn business. Ive had a sneak peak at their itinerary for next week and on their agenda is the grooming of children into pornography through Disney films and studying a film called Hustle and Flow which is part of their campaign to Stop Porn Culture

I'm not sure what either Disney or a fictional film about a pimp has to do with porn as I know it but Im sure she will explain in her own inimitable way how porn is going to "destroy the world"

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:46 am
by planeterotica
one eyed jack wrote:

> I doubt Miss Dines would be there. She only hates porn and is
> here to save all the girls who have been brainwashed and raped
> into the business being used by pimp producers hiding behind
> the girls apparently.
planeterotica wrote:

Some of her supporters were there as i spotted their placards down in the square but didnt have time to get close to take a snap as i was rushing for my train at Charing X.

It was supposed to all be about[world womens day] which i don't have a problem with but they are not all singing from the same hymn sheet, you have one group of women protesting for prostitution in Soho and then i snapped this in Piccadilly Circus a few minutes earlier..

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:10 am
by mybeautifultease
A bump for this as we near the event.

And to clarify, though we have notified the Police there was no requirement for us to do see, please see the following from the Met's protest page:

Static Protests
There is no legal requirement to notify police that you wish to hold a static protest. However, it is very important that you do let the police know if you wish to do this.

Look forward to a good turnout for this.

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:23 pm
by lowerloft
Jerry from S&C and Gail Dines are both featured on the front page of today.

Re: UK Porn Stars Fight Back

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:41 am
by lowerloft
See you tomorrow! Please note...
We start at 3pm - please try to be there on time (some people will be meeting in The Ring pub, opposite Southwark tube, beforehand).
Stop Porn Culture have been telling the press we are trying to "intimidate" them and stop their free speech. We have no intention of blocking or disrupting their conference. Please maintain good humour and behaviour, even if provoked! The fact that they're lying about us is good news - we've got them worried.
If anyone would like to make a short speech, please drop us a message.
After the protest, we'll be moving down the road to the Doggett's pub on the riverbank - see you there!