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Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:49 pm
by Gerry Acktrich
Just a couple of points raised during this thread that I wanted to give my opinion on and discuss.

Scarlet Grey said, " Not all models are lazy and won't leave the house to travel to a shoot ".

Hi Scarlet, a lot of the models choose to work from home due to personal circumstances. It may be that the kids are at school so they can still cam and be there to pick the kids up at 3pm when they finish school. That's just one reason and I have no doubt that there are many more reasons that I don't know.
Your choice of words imply that if a model chooses not to travel to paid shoots that they are are lazy. I don't believe that this is the reason they have decided to work from home, it's for convenience and nothing else.

Terry, I think the point you make about people producing good content and then not being able to shoot as often as they would like is a situation that most people have been in and I have a lot of sympathy for them but if this is supposed to be their main business then it it is very badly under funded from the start and can only really end one way and I am afraid that is in failure. You yourself have said in the past that this industry is a very easy way to become bankrupt if you are not careful. If you are in that situation then content share is the only way left open as a means of obtaining new content.

Just my opinion guys.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:25 pm
by Scarlet Grey
Thanks for your input Gerry hun and yes there are many reasons why.

What I was referring to and maybe I should of made it more clear, so sorry for that.

Was the amount of let downs we get when a date has been locked in and they cancel a few times before a shoot, or on the morning of the shoot, with lets just say excuses that aren't good enough and if they were more professional the reasons they give wouldn't happen ( even if they are true)

I am talking about models who give illness excuses then are seen tweeting they are on web cam but yet were on deaths door, a few hours ago when they aren't answering there phones.

This is un professional to say the least and I am putting it a nice way my boss Paul is a lot more vocal about it, there are a lot of lets downs in this business now and its due to the fact they can earn on webcam, so the ones who are booked decide at the last minute that they can't be bothered. Not all before anyone tries to say thats what I'm implying just some and thats been my experience while working with Dusk Films.

But i wasn't suggesting that models who work on webcam and choose not to shoot for companies are lazy, sorry for my cons using post . xxxxxx


Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:33 pm
by Emac
I guess it's human nature, but I've been let down by the well established and famous as well as beginners. Equally I've had really successful and productive shoots with both types and several in between.

I don't get this behaviour at all, there are the ones who will either message at the very last minute to cancel, or the ones who will begin radio silence a couple of days before the shoot. (I find last minute confirmation, just a text say, very useful and reassuring) and suddenly lose the ability to text, email, call or answer their phones. And as Scarlett rightly says! these days we have so many communication channels that they easily get caught out. For me it's a matter if manners and character. If you're a decent person you simply won't act that way.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:45 pm
by Paul Taylor
I won't say much on this or I won't stop. I am a very organised person in my personal life and so I adapt that to all that I do, no matter what the work, so it really does annoy me this. What Scarlet said above I agree with.

I ask for a text or call the night before and the same the next day. We just shot Tanya Cox again last week for an all day shoot, she text me the night before, and even when she was on her connecting train, so I knew she was on time. I had forgotten what that was like. Emac you are right about the way even established models do it, they do it for us too, but yet will show up for others or in our case once, for one company instead of us for the same rate, now work that one out. Complaining make it look like soar grapes when they are turning up for other people.

But this post was about paying for content wasn't it? The fans do seem to like content coming from the girls, as its more personal and in a way I get it. But surely all this content can't be very well made, when they are used to being directed in front of the camera and now they are making it themselves without any experience on camera work or video editing, or maybe I am missing the point and thats why the fans of the girl making it like it.

There isn't a need for the producer as much as there once was over here, I know that.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:51 pm
by Scarlet Grey
oops I am so thick sometimes I wrote a reply to this one n the wrong thread here : and then wrote a quicker version as I couldn't see where my post went and couldn't be arsed to write it all again. Why isn't there an edit button on here like most forums?


Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:20 pm
by Gerry Acktrich
Hi Paul, I believe that Terry was asking about the benefits of working on Adultwork or working on paid shoots not about models turning up and no shows. I agree with his conclusion that if done properly both having product on Adultwork and still doing paid shoots when they are available sounds like it is the best way to go for any model.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:48 pm
by Paul Taylor
yeah I guess both can be good to make up about the lack of paid work I guess

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:29 pm
by BGAFD Admin
Have cut 'n' pasted your original misplaced reply into the quick version.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:49 am
by Cuckold mistress 2
Adult work wins hands down if you know what your doing and have a niche market and followers I have been on there 2 week doing phone chats and earned quite a lot without going on cam.

Re: Adult Work vs Paid Work

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:41 am
by Emac
Gerry Acktrich wrote:

> I believe that Terry was asking about the benefits of
> working on Adultwork or working on paid shoots not about models
> turning up and no shows.

Ah, but that's the thing about conversations, they evolve. If you're having a chat on the sofa or with your mates down the pub, I'm sure the conversation naturally flows to related topics. Imagine the landlord coming over to your table and saying "come on lads, you were discussing the welfare state, you can't now talk about the recent party conferences, stay on topic!"