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Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:31 am
by Mysteryman
You represent experience and knowledge. Your views and statements give punters and professionals alike an insight. Don't always agree with you and sometimes you might be a lone voice but, right or wrong, you statements and arguments have always been well thought out and well presented. You should stay and fight your corner. Most people who resort to insults and taunting get bored eventually - normally its because their tiny minds can't stay focussed for more than a very short period..

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:38 am
by videokim
Don't let people faze you mate they are not worth it, there are not many of us original dinosaurs left on this forum & it would be bloody boring on here without you.

Over the years we have sometimes been on different sides of the fence over various subjects but we always respected your loyalty to whichever cause you were fighting for, you are a honest guy who speaks his mind & fair play to you as you have earned the right with all the people you have helped over the years.

None of us may be rich but if friends were money you would be fucking rich lol!

P.S. looking forward to more industry banter with you on this forum so stick around.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:56 am
by one eyed jack
Mr Mystery man wrote:

"Most people who resort to insults and taunting get bored eventually - normally its because their tiny minds can't stay focussed for more than a very short period.."

Yup. Especially if the same poster who I suspect I know is a habitual drug user and his posts reflect it too

If its the person i think it is I could never engage him in conversation for more than 5 minutes on the phone but here he'll keep coming back relentlessly under a different name.

I'll give him a big hint...Hes in Berlin right now. I wont say his name because he wont own up to it anyway but his posts and timings have all the hallmarks of the person I suspect it is

Worst part of it is, he is an ex UKAP member himself which is why he has such a bee in his bonnet because UKAP refused him membership for precisely this same stupid behaviour for months in the first place.

Lay off the drugs dude, its frying your brain

To everyone, including yourself Mr Mysteryman, thanks for the supportive comments. It means a lot. It shows there are peope on here that are still interested in what I have to say be it right or wrong and I agree while our opinions differ we dont have to resort to the level of mudslinging that this poster keeps perpetuating

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:29 pm
by Darren L Morgan
jimmyjimmy...i REALLY hope I bump into you....your opinion is not wanted or need F**k off!!!!!

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:42 pm
by Darren L Morgan
I'm not embarrassed to be be a UKAP member! I'm also not embarrassed or ashamed to admit you are a wan**ker..a total loser...a creep..a coward, and probably are confused as to your own sexuality given the fact you spend the majority of time wank**ng off to porn you know nothing about, maybe you are used to a mans hand around your third pubic hair...i feel sorry for your sperm who work and swim very hard only to find a keyboard at the end of their journey....happy wank**g knob head.

BGAFD..."ban me...he's worth it!"

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:30 pm
by planeterotica
Stay !thumbsup!

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:34 pm
by Welshmorph
Seeing as eveyone else has said stay, I'm gonna say leave just to be unique. !drink! !winner! !tongueincheek!


Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:06 pm
by andy at handiwork
Its certainly not you who should leave, Tel.

Re: Your chance to get rid of me forever

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:21 pm
by Dickie Davies
Don't go, Terry. You're often (usually) a voice of sanity here.....