What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

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kiNky erOtica
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by kiNky erOtica »

I got curious about porn photography after chatting to someone on the internet. I gave it a go, later met a model called Faye Dixie (retired) and ran her website for a year, she introduced me to Doll Theatre who were just starting out and I then worked on all but 1 of the B/G titles they produced inc. quite a few bits for TVX and BlueBird. I was never a full timer.

I for one liked the set side of shooting, socialising, meeting people.

A few of my mates found out (some I told) what I did, one guy at work spotted me as an extra, another managed to find my website.

It caused a rift between my wifes family because she told them what I did (not a wisest of moves) I think she thought it was "cool" to have a fella who shot porn.

I gave up because models today are not like the models I used to shoot when I first started out (in my eyes). I don't think I'd go back.


kiNky erOtica

Ex London Photographer
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by lowerloft »

After over 15 years in the adult industry, it has sent me around the world more than once, given me the opportunity to meet some great people and some complete twats.

I always find that I have had a positive response when people find out what I do, a few have not liked it but I have never lost any friends or family over it.

After doing most things in the industry I am happy to be working hard building new brands and projects to be launched fully this year.

I for one am investing money in the industry with the likes of Yours.xxx the new sexy job listing site, bringing new films out under Orchid Films, relaunching Fly Magazine the FREE online adult E-Mag, putting the final plan together for a very special IPTV channel and helping others in the adult industry find investment through the Crowdfunding site adultXfund.com.

Most of these projects are FREE for people to take advantage of, to help them build themselves and make extra revenue. Such a shame that the uptake on these has been so low within the UK.

You want to be in the adult industry, make the most of the tools that are given to you. I am trying to help the masses, use me.

After many years in the adult sector I run a number of adult related businesses that encompass Crowdfunding, Content Sales, News Service and offer consultancy service for those looking to grow or enter this crazy industry.
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by puretotty »

Sorry not sure exactly what the question was... lol, I am rubbish at this :(

I never gave much thought to getting into the porn industry... I was posed with a dilema I guess... feeling angry how my last job had turned out, having ?9000 redundancy money and what to do next... what else but PORN !

At 33 years of age surely it's every guys dream job, I had no real skills at it, I had done photography at school, but that was some 17 years prior... But hey ho, fortune favours the brave right... my first shoot was a 3 girl hard lesbo fest, I just pointed and clicked lol (pretty similar to how I shoot now too lol !)

I guess I thought there would be money in the inustry I was getting into, and of that to a degree was true, even if I never got as big a slice as I wanted (but then I am very greedy) I definitely liked the idea of shooting naked chicks, even though I had no perception of fucking any of them (that happened much later on in life)

Like other's have said I got to travel the world, and still do... love going to shows (not so much in the UK mind) wish I could network with more UK peeps, but to be fair most I have encountered are nothing short of trolls... and if not trolls then just catty as fuck !

If I am missing somethign from your question in my answer let me know ;)

one eyed jack
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by one eyed jack »

Nah thats pretty much it PT From these answers and discussions Ive had with many over the years there is a hint of rebellion, disillisionmment with the real world and a general sense of wanting to do something you ike and sex is never far from the tree in the likes department.

I wonder, if it was not porn that set you free on the path of hedonism, what would have taken its place?

one eyed jack
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by one eyed jack »

So far Im getting the positive vibes that porn in itself has done nothing but good and if there was a downer it was the negative vibes experienced reflected outsiders subjective and often ignorant opinions

It reinforces my thinking that porn in itself is fine. Its people that make it complicated. Though for girls I imagine can vary from this view a little given mens perception of them

As Lowerloft mentioned, he has met a lot of interesting people he may not have met in ordinary life...and some serious twats too. I can agree with that.

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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by Loolootits »

one eyed jack said ;

>As Lowerloft mentioned, he has met a lot of interesting people he may not have met in ordinary life...and some serious twats too. I can agree with that.

Agreed !


x x x


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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by Cuntybollocks »

You sound like a broken record mate.
one eyed jack
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by one eyed jack »

Thanks Cunty Bollocks !laugh!

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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by Cuntybollocks »

Not you mate!!
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Re: What does it mean to you being in the porn busines

Post by puretotty »

If I hadnt gone into porn/glamour... I would of probably gone back doing a sales and marketing job, I was fairly decent at it, and in fairness probably would of made more money...

And sorry is Cunty Bollocks talking about me, I am confused ???
