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Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:03 pm
by Harry Powell
No one minds the free grott you post... just you do clog up the site...

And its kinda boring. This is a professional page and not a "fan site"

So it would be fair to say your posts are parasitic - like a cancer...

Am glad everyone is keen to see it gone

Have a great day yourself Shebang

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:54 pm
by shebangtv
Hi Harry what is your profession on this professional page?

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:27 am
by Harry Powell
Hello Shebang

Its interesting that you respond to criticism by myself and many other people by question MY integrity.

My answer to your question - I am in production.

Obviously Harry Powell is not my real name and I choose to stay anonymous on this site. However I am certain you have seen and even purchased my work over the years.

I think the real decision to be made Shebang - is how you respond next.

I suggest you back off from your daily 10 unwanted posts, hijacking the site for your own fan based commercials and find other advertising and media streams where you can communicate to your actual fans.

Aside from you leaving this forum and letting it return to the professional forum it was and still is, I truly wish you no ill will.

Have a great day

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:00 am
by emma butt
dont see a problem with it myself hot pics of hot girls someone trying to make a liing in a hard market shebang is a awsome site value for money and should be free to promote as it wishes after all this is a promotions forum
love emma

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:40 am
by Harry Powell
Interesting point you've raised there Emma.

I do agree this forum is for promotion, however I think myself and many other users of this site feel that TV chat shows are both cooperate in terms of being medium turnover business and also not these posts DO hijack the postings on this site.

Most users of this site are independent pornographers (I love using that phrase) and they work hard and diligently for little reward or glory. When the bigger companies like Shebang come in and appear to hijack the page with multiple postings it comes across as a slap in the face.

A good comparison would be if this site was an independent farmers market and suddenly Tesco started taking up 50% of the postings with details on their deals.

On many days postings by Sex Chat Channels account for 40% - 60% of all postings!

There is no right answer here - only that postings by the Sex Channels annoy me and many, many others.

I have used this site for many years (under various names) and I want to see a return to the discovery of new talent, of announcing new shooting venues, of discussing the state of our industry and how we can all find our places again in this new internet, digital age.

Im kinda romantic at heart.

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:47 am
by GTF
I think Harrys comments are a bit strong personally

I have no issue with Shebang promoting themselves on here but feel they should show a bit more class with the way they do it. Killlergram promote every week but you never hear a complaint because they do it right.

Yes Emma it is a Promotions forum but its a forum with rules that Shebang have consistently ignored. Hot pictures would be ok but usaully they are the same ones as put up 5 mins before and often arent the most flattering of the product they offer

I feel Shebang should be allowed to promote themselves as long as they dont take the mickey again. If they ignore the rules YET AGAIN then delete them, its the way anyone else would be treated.

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:54 am
by Benson_Media
Of course, one could just choose not to read the various .TV posts.

Like I do.

Maybe BGAFD admin should create a new promotions forum for TV?

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:05 am
by GTF
I agree Benson, and looking at the evidence thats what most people do.

Look at the threads from Shebang, they average 11 posts a thread, guess what all posts on the thread are from Shebang!

Sadly though that does mean other people who make a post find their posts being bumped down the way and possibly missed by the people they intended to see it

Shebang just need to learn that less is more!

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:08 pm
by Zulunoze
I see Shebang have broken the rules already by bumping tonights thread.

Mods - please ban them and make this forum a decent place to visit again.

Re: Hey Shebang...

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:24 pm
by Dylan Devere
they're taking the piss again

5 posts in just over an hour this afternoon!!