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It still only points to the interview..

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:25 am
by Elton Dong
There's been tonnes of speculation in the adult film industry about myself and Linsey appearing in a future production. There are naysayers around who say it won't ever happen. Well, they've obviously not seen the full interview with me and her, which is up on the VIDEOS pages of my MEMBERS section here at! My members know what the score is!

Why cant Omar and Linsey just say were doing a shoot together ?
why does it all return to Spaming for a members area ?

Re: It still only points to the interview..

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:57 am
by wayne
i quite agree mr dong. surely it would be a move to place maybe a snippet of this smoking barrel style information in a more public arena.

You cant feel annoyed with people for feeling more than cynical when the only way to know for "certain" is to pay up cash.

As for LDM knowing about the site i had in mind this site.

i for one hope she does make another H/C film.

Re: It still only points to the interview..

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 12:45 pm
by Mart
The way it's being posted across the Newsgroups makes me think of a famous Monty Python song. Or perhaps a certain tinned foodstuff has been produced in extra large quantities for the current US military effort.


Re: It still only points to the interview..

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 12:55 pm
by cp
is that scam or spam?
or both?
anyway, linsey would look better with a few other studs rather than omar

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 1:44 pm
by steve
Posted on Omar's Message Board

Omar is NOT shooting with Linsey. This is complete fabrication by Omar. LDM is under an exclusive modeling contract with the SCORE Group. Omar basically cornered Linsey while she was working a trade show on behalf of the SCORE Group and managed to get his picture shot with her and speak with her briefly. This whole routine of spamming everywhere saying this shoot will likely happen is inappropriate and a complete distortion of the reality. The only thing that has happened between Omar and Linsey is that Linsey now knows that Omar will manipulate any situation to make a buck, even if these lies create problems for Linsey with The SCORE Group, and LDM will likely avoid Omar like the plague if she sees him again.

Im sure this will be deleted but Omar should be put on notice that the SCORE Group will protect its interests in our exclusive contract with Linsey and we are prepared to litigate these matters if need be.

David Uwate, esq.
The SCORE Group

Re: Omar vs Linsey???

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 2:45 pm
by Crazy Monkey
basically Score were not gonna make any money out of it...??? im confused...

Knowing the SCORE!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:20 pm
by webmas
It's an interesting message, but anyone who has seen the full interview can see the actual truth.

1) "cornered"? It was a chat between two good friends who have known each other for years, discussing the possibility of doing a shoot together.

2) "LDM is under an exclusive modeling contract with the SCORE Group." - true - until her contract runs out of course, and then she is her own free agent!

3) Omar isn't the only one who stands to make "a buck", LDM herself will be making money from the venture also.

4) "working on behalf of the SCORE Group" - er, she was on the Nice and Naughty stand, promoting them and their videos, which can be seen in the video clips!

Obviously Score have put pressure on her, but if it bothers them that much, so be it! We'll see what LDM does when her contract expires... soon :)

Her fans want to see it, Omar's fans want to see it, so what's the problem?

Regards webmaster

oh yeah, a question...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:31 pm
by webmas
Has anyone, by any chance, seen any black guys with white girls in any of the SCORE Group's magazines/videos/websites?

Please do let me know :)

Regards webmaster

Re: oh yeah, a question...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:01 pm
by wayne
i dont think muddying the waters by implying racism will help anyone.

Re: oh yeah, a question...

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:09 pm
by j?3 king
blackandstacked has black girls and sometimes they have white guys with them